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Ben POV:

"Melina Cook's mother released early from prison, says she wants custody of her girls back." I said reading the headline:

"Why the hell would she talk to the press?" Josh asked.

"This is a mess. I mean, Melina and Carmen are just kids, they don't need to be going through this. It's enough that they have to deal with the press always in their face because of us, and now this." I said.

"Can she take custody of them back?" Jordyn asked.

"We legally adopted Melina, and soon we will have legally adopted Carmen. There's no way their mother would win in a court case. She can take it to court but there's no way she can win." I said.

"Are we going to separated again?" Melina asked as her and Carmen appeared at the top of the stairs.

"No, we would never let that happen. Come here girls." I said and they both ran down the stairs. "I promise, all of this is going to go away." I said and kissed the top of both of their heads.

"I think it's time for you two to go to bed." Jordyn said. They reluctantly gave us hugs good night and then headed upstairs.

"Ok, so what's our next step?" I asked.

"Lawyer up. She can't afford a lawyer, so just by getting a lawyer we've pretty much won." Jordyn said. Just then Jordyn got a phone call and she left the room to answer it.

"This is so crazy, these girls don't need this." I said.

"I'm sure it was just an empty threat, don't forget their mother is crazy." Josh said. "Why is she only going after custody of Melina and Carmen?"

"Because the other kids are all 18. Melina and Carmen are the youngest." I replied.

"Hey Ben, that was Maddison's Doctor. Remember how we wanted to get her checked out because her eye had like a white dot in that picture we took?" Jordyn asked.

"Yeah, get this Josh, her one eye like glows when we take a picture with the flash on." I said.

"Can I see?" Josh asked. I pulled up a picture I had taken of Maddison a couple days ago with the flash and her right eye had a white dot that made it look like her eye was glowing. "Woah that's like a freaky super power!" Josh said.

"Not exactly. Maddison has retinoblastoma." Jordyn said.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"It's an eye cancer." Jordyn said.

"So you're telling me little Maddie has cancer?" I asked, hoping it wasn't true.

"Yep." Jordyn said with tears forming in her eyes.

"But she's going to be ok, right?" I asked.

"I have no idea." She said and then she completely lost it.

"Hey, babe, it's ok, you don't need to cry. Come here." I said. She ran over to me and we sat down on the couch together.

"Everything is crashing down." Jordyn cried.

"No, don't say that. Everythung is going to be ok, I promise." I said holding her close to me.

Melina POV:

"Did you hear that?" I asked as we ran back to our bedrooom.

"Hear what?" Carmen asked. I closed the door behind us and pressed my back against it.

"Maddie has cancer." I said.

"What? How is that possible?" Carmen asked.

"I don't know!" I said.

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