Cell Block Tango

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Ben POV:

"She is going to be DEAD when I get ahold of her!" I screamed as we ran up the stairs to the police station.

"Let's count that as things we shouldn't scream outside of a police station." Sky said.

"Everybody just needs to calm down." Jordyn said.


"We don't know the full story!" Carmen protested.

"Carmen why don't you, me and Lucas go down the street and get some food?" Kinsley said.

"My identical twin is in jail Kinsley! I'm not leaving her. Why are you even here, you two aren't family." Carmen said stopping and crossing her arms. I leaned over and smacked the back of her head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Kinsley and Lucas are just as much family as the rest of us. What is wrong with you?" Jordyn asked.

"I'm sorry Kinsley. I'm just stressed." Carmen said with a look of regret on her face.

"Maybe you guys shouldn't be here." I said.

"You think I'm gonna miss seeing Melina in a jail cell? You're funny." Lucas laughed.

"Lucas this isn't funny." Kinsley protested.

"We're here to support her Ben." Josh said.

"And possibly kill her." Parker added.

"Again with the things we shouldn't say outside a POLICE STATION!" Sky said. We pushed through the doors and went right to the front desk.

"Hi we're here for Melina Cook." I said. The man looked at our group and gave me a look.

"All of you?" he asked confused.

"It's complicated." Parker laughed.

"I need to see my daughter." I said. We sat and waited, my foot tapping anxiously.

"Ben don't scream at her when we see her." Jordyn said to me.

"Oh you're gonna be lucky if he doesn't completely lose his mind." Josh said.

"I'm serious Ben. She's going through a lot right now and I'm sure she's scared." Jordyn said.

"Don't take pity on her Jordyn. That's exactly what she wants right now." I said.

"So like do you think she's in there singing the Cell Block Tango? Because that's what I would do if I was in jail." Josh joked. After a little bit they told us that me and Jordyn could go back to see her. We went and she was sitting in the corner of a jail cell.

"Oh no." she said, her eyes wide.

"She was caught trespassing with this on her." the officer said dropping a small bag of coke onto the table.

"I can explain." Melina said.

"Not right now Melina." I said.

"Dad come on!" Melina protested.

"You're sitting in a jail cell right now! You aren't allowed to 'come on' me!" Ben said.

"What do we do now?" Jordyn asked.

"You're gonna need to call your lawyer." The officer said.

"Can we at least get her out of the cell?" Jordyn asked. They opened the cell and Melina slowly walked out towards us. I can't even look at her right now. This is ridiculous.

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