To Be Young and in Love

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Melina POV:

"No way, how did you guys manage to sneak into the met gala!" I laughed. We were relaxing out on the boat just having fun with no cares in the world. I bought a bikini from a local store and threw on one of Sam's button up shirts I found in the Jeep over top of it, tying it together at the bottom. I also stole JD's hat even though he tried to fight me for it, I won.

"You just walk in like you belong and nobody questions it." JD laughed.

"Until they realize you definitely aren't supposed to be there and security has to chase you around the whole Met." Sam added.

"I ran straight into Amanda Seyfried, one of the best moments of my life." Logan smiled.

"Oh my gosh I love Amanda! She's so sweet!" I smiled.

"You've met her?" Sam asked.

"Oh um yeah, I ran into her somewhere, I'm a big fan of hers." I said.

"She is a walking angel." Logan smiled taking another hit of the blunt.

"You sure you don't wanna smoke with us?" JD asked.

"I'm sure, but I would love it if you tossed me another beer." I laughed. He opened the cooler and grabbed one out for me, cracking it open and then handing it to me.

"So let's hear more about you little miss private school." JD said leaning back onto the side of the boat.

"What do you wanna know." I replied taking a sip of my beer.

"I want to know how you live in a hotel. Like do you just like each have your own hotel rooms or something?" Sam asked.

"Not exactly, it's complicated." I said.

"How many of you are there?" Logan asked.

"Well I have 4 siblings, then Ben and Jordyn- my parents. Then there's my 3 uncles, and one of them just got married and she lives with us too and her little brother." I explained.

"The fuck?" JD said with a confused face.

"What is it like a circus family or something?" Logan laughed.

"Feels like it's sometimes." I joked.

"You'll have to show us your crib sometime." Sam said.

"You don't want to see it, way too many people there. I can never get any fucking privacy." I explained.

"Ha what's that like. My parents act like I don't even exist half the time. I think they just forget sometimes that they have a kid. But hey it works to my advantage, because I get to do whatever the hell I want." JD said.

"I wish I had that life." I said.

"Well hey, you're riding with us now. Welcome to the good life." Logan said raising up his beer. The rest of the boys did too and I tapped my glass against theirs and then downed the whole thing.

"Damn girl, you can really chug that down." Sam laughed.

"I get it from my momma." I winked to them. I stood up and pulled the shirt off over my head throwing it down to the ground. "Now who's ready for some swimming?" I asked. The boys jaws dropped and they instantly ripped of their shirts and joined me on the edge of the boat. We all held hands as I counted down to us jumping in the water. The cool water hit my skin and I instantly felt refreshed. This is what freedom feels like, and I fucking love it.

Carmen POV:

I sat on a picnic table in the courtyard waiting for Camden to show up. All of the sudden I felt hands over my eyes and couldn't see anything.

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