"No, we don't," Lyla replied, "But we want to. Now you take this and go to your room and get in the bath that Tara is getting ready for you." 

Lyla handed Peyton a large glass of white wine and gently pushed her in the direction of her bedroom.

Peyton slowly made her way into the bedroom and Tara was just laying a towel on the bed for her. 

"Hey," Tara said, smiling at her, "I see Lyla has given you orders." 

"She certainly has," Peyton replied, laughing quietly, "I have been ordered to drink this very large glass of wine and get in the bath, but not in that particular order." 

"You relax for a bit and Lyla and I will get this place tidied up for you," Tara replied, smiling at her before leaving the bedroom.

She grabbed the towel off the bed and made her way into the bathroom. She put the glass of wine on the side of the tub and quickly undressed before getting into the hot water. It felt so good to have a couple minutes to herself to just think and let go and not worry about children. She took a big sip of her wine and then closed her eyes, thinking back to the last time she had done this.


Peyton stood in the back yard and took everything in. She could hardly believe that tomorrow was her wedding to Juice. She was finally about to marry her soul mate and she couldn't be happier. She watched the hustle and bustle going on around her and she could feel the excitement growing inside her.

"Hey baby girl," Opie said from behind her. 

Peyton turned and smiled at her best friend and then hugged him tightly. 

"I can't believe it's finally happening Opie," Peyton whispered happily, "I'm finally marrying Juice." 

"He's a good guy Peyton," Opie replied, smiling at her, "I couldn't imagine anyone else for you. You two just seem to work. It was evident from the moment he showed up at TM." 

"I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else Ope," Peyton said quietly, "My life starts with him and it will end with him." 

"That's a pretty bold statement," Opie stated with a small twinkle in his wide eyes, "That I completely agree with." 

Peyton wrapped her arms around Opie and laid her head against his chest, closing her eyes and taking in the moment.

"What's going on out here?" Juice questioned, pretending to act hurt.

Peyton pulled away from Opie and looked over at Juice. He was smiling at her and Opie as he approached them. 

"Nothing out of the ordinary buddy," Opie grinned at him, "We're just talking about you and getting all gushy and sentimental." 

"Oh really," Juice responded as he pulled Peyton into his arms, "What were you saying?" 

"You are her one and only Juicey boy," Opie replied, "Hurt her and I'll hurt you." 

Peyton threw a hand over her mouth to keep herself from bursting out in a hysterical laughing fit, but she was too late. Juice and Opie both laughed with her, but she knew that Juice knew that Opie wasn't kidding.


Peyton opened her eyes and laughed quietly to herself. That whole night was so much fun and her moment with Opie, although small, was very meaningful to her. She could still hear his voice, clear as day as she thought back to that night. It was hard to not have him here all the time, but she knew he never really left her.

Home is Where you will Always BelongHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin