Bonus 1: Feast of Events (Part 1)

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"Why do we need to fly over there?" Asked Penelope as she struggled to close her suitcase. "I mean they're great and all, but couldn't they have flown over instead? I'm too lazy for this kind of bullshit."

"Because Mason and his parents were kind enough to invite us over for Thanksgiving," I explained, watching Penelope continue to get frustrated. "Plus, we'll be able to tour all of California while we're there. Surprisingly, I've never been there before."

It was the night before Thanksgiving and we had just started packing. As you can tell, we're a bunch of procrastinators. However, it wasn't totally our fault as Mason's parents invited us last minute, and by last minute I mean yesterday night.

"Fine, but I am not calming your ass down on the jet. Remember the time we flew to Italy?" Penelope inquired. "You were having a full blown panic attack."

"Did not!"

"Catalina Eloise Solace! You literally kissed the floor the second we landed."

"It is not my fault I'm terrified of flying. I have made some improvements though, I don't full on cry anymore."

"I'll give you that, but still."

"Whatever, just hurry up. I still have Athena and Ares' suitcases to pack."


"Come on, Luca," I whined, Penelope walking beside me. "We know the last time we went out wasn't the best considering Killian and his goons went after us."

"But Penelope and I need to make a quick stop at the mall and get a little something for Veronica and Gael." I went on.

"Yeah, it would be rude not to bring something to the gathering." Penelope concurred.

It was the next morning, as well as Thanksgiving and we had just landed in Los Angeles a few hours ago. We forgot to buy a gift before boarding the jet to California, so we needed to buy a little something.

However, since our track record has not been the best when it comes to going out somewhere, we had to beg Luca to let us go.

"Alright," Luca sighed as he rocked Athena in his arms. "You two better be back in an hour or I'm sending my men to come find you. I'm not risking it again."

"Thank you, thank you!" I said as I gave him a quick peck on the lips before heading out with Penelope by my side who was just as eagerly excited as me.


"I honestly regret taking you," I said in a sarcastic tone. "I should've asked Jaxon."

"You practically begged me to come with you, darling," Penelope replied. "Anyways, that fiancé of mine doesn't like shopping so he would have said no."

"Keep telling yourself that. Besides I'm hungry."

"We ate before we left. How can you still be hungry? Like where does all of that food go?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Probably that fat ass of yours. God, you're lucky. I don't even have the boobs. I only have the hips but no ass."

"Just because we ate before leaving doesn't mean I can't get hungry again." I chuckled.

"Fine, we will get something to eat at the food court, but first, let's go to the restroom I need to pee."


While walking to the closest restroom, we noticed all the stalls were out of service except for one, which was currently being used. Meaning Penelope had to wait and I would have to hear her complain about it non stop.

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