6: Confidential

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Feeling the breeze, I was over ecstatic to be on the safe ground.

Luca's private jet traumatized me.

I know, I sound very bratty right now because I'm complaining about a private jet, but ever since I could remember I've always, and I say always, hated flights.

A million of things could go wrong.

The engines could fail and have us all plummet to the bottom of a deep, cold ocean.
And knowing I can't swim doesn't help nor ease my nerves.

I was literally freaking out the whole way here.
No, I'm serious. I looked like a fish flapping around out of water.

When we stepped out of the jet we were greeted by Luca's chauffeur, Andrew Madden.

Taking a quick glance at Andrew, I first noticed the short, light brown hair and dark brown eyes he had. He probably stood at five foot ten and was most likely in his late twenties considering he was around the same level as Nathan and Luca.

What's with all of these men being so damn tall?

The car ride was pretty short, which I was thankful for because of the awkwardness in the car.

Fortunately, after some awkward silence later, we arrived at where I'm guessing is owned by the Martinelli's. The place was fucking huge!

"Let me help you with that Ms. Solace," Andrew said, sending me a smile while helping me with my bags.

"Thank you, Andrew," I marveled. "And please, call me Catalina."

"No problem, Catalina."

Not even a second later I felt a pair of hands grab my waist.
Turning to look, Luca was literally pulling me away from Andrew.

Oh God.

"Easy with the arms there, wonder boy!"

Leading us to what I'm presuming is his office, the anger within in me was ready to explode.

"What the hell? You can't be pulling that crap!"

"This," I continued, pointing back and forth between us. "Is wrong on so many levels."

"Fuck it," he mumbled before being lifted and placed on top of the desk.

Placing small kisses around my body I couldn't stop myself from letting out a soft moan.

Snap out of it, dumbass.

Knowing this couldn't go any further, I quickly got up before hesitantly turning to face him.

I knew I was contradicting every single moral I claimed to follow. This felt weird, almost wrong, yet it was thrilling. Hell, I would do it all over again just for the fun of it.

"What a mistake, right?" He asked with a big grin plastered over his dumb, good looking face.

"Yes, a very stupid mistake."

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