S i x t e e n

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Jughead P.O.V

I was playing xbox with Fangs when I got a call from Hog Eye. Usually he always calls me when his shift is over to tell me how Betty is, although it's never good news because she always comes home drunk and locks herself in her room. Most of the time she is so drunk that she falls asleep in the bathroom after vomiting so when that happens I clean her up and take her to bed. We may be angry and not talk but I still worry about her.

As I supposed Hog Eye wasn't calling with good news. He told me that Betty had been there for less than an hour and had already had 15 shots, which was not normal. Normally drink 2 or 3 shots and 3 drinks. And that Trev wasn't taking care of her like usually and Hog had a bad feeling, so he asked me if I could stop by the bar to take Betty home. 

''Fangs stay here, I'll be back in a moment, I have something important to take care of at the Wyrm and I will probably need your help when I get back'' I said worried and putting my shoes on. ''Betty?'' Fangs said sadly. Obviously he has also been very concerned this past month, we all are. I just nodded and left.

''Where is she?'' I said to Hog almost out of breath leaning on the bar and he pointed me to my father's office. I entered without bothering to call  and I saw Betty lying on the sofa. ''What happened?'' I asked to my dad kneeling in front of Betty. 

''Listen to me boy, I know you don't want to talk about it, but Betty has been like this for a month now and it's getting worse and worse. And it makes me sick to see her this way every Saturday'' my father paused before continuing to speak. ''I don't know what happens between that guy Trev and her but I can assure you it's not a good thing. Look at what Hog found next to her when she entered the bar after calling you'' He finished saying and threw a plastic bag containing cocaine on the table.

''That son of a bitch'' I muttered, punching the table. ''I'm going to fucking kill him'' I exclamed angry. ''Boy!'' My father yelled before I went back to the bar to kick Trev's ass. ''First we'll take her home and make sure she is fine, this cannot continue. You know how dangerous it can be if she keep this up, look what happened to your mother'' my dad said serious and I nodded.

My father opened the back door for me so I wouldn't have to go past the whole bar with her in that state so Trev wouldn't see me leave with her. I took her bridal style to the apartment and laid her on her bed, when Fangs saw me enter with her unconscious the questions started to rain down on me. ''Look Fangs, I don't have time for this, you stay with Betty. Try she don't roll her on her back, always keep her on sideway. I promise that when I come back I will explain everything, call the others to come'' and I went out of the apartment.

I got to the bar and just saw red, I grabbed Trev by the arm and put him in my father's office. ''Dad, out. NOW'' I yelled angry. My father went out, after all, my father was almost as angry as I was with Trev, so he didn't care what I did to him, this is how gangs work.

''What the hell do you want Jones. Where's Betty?'' Trev said mad. ''Don't you dare mention her ever again in your life'' I yelled getting closer to his face. ''Oh yeah? Or what?'' Trev said trying to intimidate me. 

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall, putting my forearm against his throat. With the other hand I took my razor out of my pocket and brought it to his face. ''Because if you don't do what I tell you, I swear to God I'm going to kill you. I don't want to see you near her again, I don't want you to mention her again or even look at her again. Listen carefully, come back to her and it will be the last thing you do. Is it clear to you?'' I said full of anger. Trev was trembling and only dared to nod. ''Now out!'' I yelled and he ran away of the office.

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