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Betty P.O.V

''Archie?!'' I exclamed getting up from the bed in one jump.

I couldn't believe it, we hadn't seen each other since he came three months ago and we hadn't talk at all since Trev forbidden me. 

''Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! It's that you.. like, for real?!'' I ran to hug him and he hugged me back. ''It's me, for real'' Archie said with a sweet voice caressing my hair.

When we let go each other I was full of questions. ''Why.. How.. When..'' I started not knowing exaclty what I wanted to say and Archie cut me off. ''It's okey Betts, Jughead called me saying you were in shitty things. He was so worried, so when he called me last week, I decided I couldn't let you be alone anymore. I take a month off of work so I can be with you''.

I was speechless, do Jughead really still love me that much  and care about me? And I treated him like a piece of shit ignoring him and being so cold. Suddenly de feel of gulty invaded my body and a tear came down my cheek. Not only for that, but because I completely kicked Archie out of my life. ''Hey, keep calm, it's okey. You don't have to worry about anything right now'' Archie told putting his hand in my cheek wiping my tears away. I nodded and sat with him in the bed.

After a few minutes in silence, he started to talk. He told that he knew everything about this past months because Jughead told him and that it wasn't my fault I stopped talking to him. We had a very long talk, I told him every detail of the story and he said to me everything that was happened in his life. Having Archie here was the best thing I could ask for, I missed him so bad.

Obviously Arch was so angry about what Trevor did to me that he wanted to go and kick his ass but I told him to stay away. I didn't want to know nothing about that monster or that Archie could be hurt.

''So..'' Archie started to said letting out a sigh. ''That little big problem with the drugs.. It has to stop Betty, you can't live like that''.

''I know, I know Arch.. But it's to hard to me to stop it. I've been taking it the past two months and now.. I just can't!'' I said sad. ''I'm here to help you. If you need to punch me, cry on my shoulder, whatever the hell you feel in the moment, I'm going to be with you'' Archie said hugging me. ''But you had to tell the other that you're back taking drugs, they're your friends to and they will be supporting you too'' Archie added. 

I just nodded. He was right, I can't stay doing it anymore. I'm only getting the people I care about and love to stay away from me. ''Don't be mad at me, I know it's not my place to tell it but you should go and talk to Jughead, he's so worry about you'' Archie said. ''I couldn't be mad at you even if I wanted'' I smiled at him. ''Okey, so you know what to do! Goo!!'' Archie said pushing me out of the room.

I was standing in front of Jughead's room and I knocked it. ''Come in'' Jughead yelled. I was starting to feel nervous. What am I going to tell him? Is he wanna talk to me? A bunch of questions surrounding my mind as I came into the room, to see him lying in the bed reading a book, as handsome, cute and sweet as always. 

I let out a sigh before I started to talk. ''I wanted to aplogize Jug, you didn't diserve how I treated you''. 

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