F o u r t e e n

852 26 4

Betty P.O.V

I could hardly remember what had happened last night, I had flashbacks that didn't know if they were real or not. I had a huge headache so I grabbed the blanket and tied it to my body, I didn't know where my clothes were. I finally found my underwear and my dress on the floor on the other side of the bed, I got dressed and went to the bathroom to vomit, I was sick. 

After that I went to the kitchen and I found Sweets sitting at the table half asleep with a bad face, you could see that he also had a hangover. ''Morning'' I said giving him a kiss in the head. ''Mmm'' he murmured taking my head and kissing it.

''Do you want one?'' I offered Sweets showing him the bottle of painkillers and he nodded. I poured two glasses of water and gave Sweets a pill and I had another. Sweets and I were chatting when everyone came to the kitchen. Trev came up to me and kissed me. ''Good morning beautiful'' Trev said hugging me from behind and I smiled and kiss his cheek.

''Where's the hobo?'' Cheryl asked serving her and Toni a coffee and we all look confused until V said ''last night he got angry because I don't know what nonsense and left''.

I felt a little bad for him and I was worried, but I was still angry about him and Veronica so I didn't say anything about it. After a while the table was full of pancakes, raspberries, coffee and juice. Everyone was talking about the party and I was moving the food with my fork trying to remember what happened last night until a voice brought me out of my thoughts. ''B? Betty? ELIZABETH!'' Cheryl exclamed.

''Mmh? What?'' I said looking up at her. ''I was saying if you want to go bowling today'' Cheryl said rolling her eyes. ''Uff, I don't feel like it'' I growled. They kept talking about this afternoon and I got back into my thoughts.

At 3 in the afternoon Trev left me at home and when I entered Jughead was sleeping on the couch. I decided to wake him up to get up to eat. ''Tss, wake up Juggie'' I said in a soft voice. I was still mad at him but that didn't stop me from worrying. He opened his eyes slowly and asked me if I was okay, if Trev had hurt me. I was confused, why was Jughead asking that? I told him to explain himself and he told me what had happened last night. Obviously I didn't believe him and we started arguing.

''Stop lying Jughead! I don't know why are you acting so weird but Trev I would never do something like this to me. He loves me and I love him, okey?'' I said starting to get mad. ''Think what you want, but I know what I saw and heard. You are not safe with him Betts!'' Jughead yelled mad. 

''Don't talk to me again until you stop acting like you're a jealous boyfriend. My boyfriend is Trev and he would never do that, take it'' I replied yelling more. ''That's the problem! That that asshole is your boyfriend!'' Jughead shouted. ''Save it Jones, I don't want to talk you like ever!'' I shouted back going to my room and slamming the door.

Suddenly I felt like the world was falling on me. The tears fell down my cheek and I felt broken. Why would Jughead lie with something like that? What if he wasn't lying? I decided to wipe away my tears, take a shower and go talk to Trev.

''Hey baby, what's up?'' Trev said letting me pass inside. ''It is true?'' I asked tears falling down my eyes and Trev looked at me confused. I explained what Jughead had told me and Trev didn't even bother denying it. ''Look baby, I have a tape about what happened last night, so for your sake I would keep my mouth shut and do whatever I tell you'' Trev started to say. I noticed how fear invaded my body, I couldn't believe what Trev had just told me.

''Wh- what?!'' I said more than confused. ''You hear me so from now on you can listen to me or you will pay the consequences. You think I don't know how you look at Jughead?'' Trev said getting closer and closer to me until my back touched the wall. ''So listen to me well, this relationship doesn't end until I say so'' Trev said kissing me in the cheek and I felt like throwing up. ''Do you understand?'' Trev asked with a dark tone of voice and I just nodded, crying with fear. ''You can go baby'' he said stroking my hair and kissing me.

I ran out of that house and didn't stop until I reached my apartment and without saying anything I locked myself in my room. I was very confused, I didn't know how to feel, I was afraid of Trev and I was disappointed. His words bounced off my head nonstop. 

I couldn't take it anymore and I took my blade, caressing my wrist with it. I couldn't believe that 2 days ago Trev had told me that he loved me, he even convinced me to sleep with him. I've been trusting a person who didn't give a shit and worst of all, I had made things worse with Jughead. After a month without cutting myself there I was, sliding the blade over and over against my skin. My feelings were a mess right now. I just wanted to end my life.

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