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Betty P.O.V

With a sigh I put the last box with my belongings in the trunk. I still couldn't believe that I was finally leaving this hell of home and city. Everyone here knows the Cooper's as the perfect family but it is far from being that.

 I have barely spoken to my mother since my father died last year. I miss him so much, he was the only person who really knew and understood me, who knew all my secrets and sufferings and was always there to support me. 

Sometimes I wish it was my mother, Alice Cooper, who died in that fire. She has never supported me she only cared that I was the perfect girl, with a smile always and the best grades. I will not miss my mother in fact I can't be more excited to get away from her at last.

I closed the trunk and headed to the house next door. I knocked on the door and waited for it to open. ''So that's it, are you leaving now?'' Archie Andrews, my best friend since kindergarten said. I nodded trying to hold back my tears and he opened his arms to hug me. I pressed my head against his chest and held him tight he held me tight as well. 

Archie Andrews was the only one other than my father who knew everything that was going on and helped me deal with my problems. And now I was leaving him behind to go to NYU, this is the hardest part of leaving. ''Promise me that you will come to visit me whenever you can and that we will continue talking daily'' I said sobbing.

''As soon as I get a chance, I'll go to New York to see you and I promise I'll call you every day'' he did a pause to sigh ''I don't know what I'm going to do without you Betts''.

''I love you more than anyone Archie. Thank you for always being a brother to me'' I said crying. ''I love you too much Betts, take care ok? Whenever you need me I'm a phone call away'' Archie said wiping tears from under my eyes. 

We gave each other a last hug, I kissed him on the cheek and he kissed my head. When I was going to the car I looked one last time at him and saw that he was crying. I said goodbye with my hand, gave him a smile and got into the driver's seat.

Before starting I took a breath and released it slowly. ''New York, here we go'' I said to me. I started the car and 5 minutes later I left the Riverdale sign once and for all.

Being such a long journey, 45 hours to be exact, I made several stops at various motels on the way. After 5 days I finally arrived in New York and I was getting more and more nervous to meet my new roommate. I just knew his name was Jughead and he was my age. 

I was in front of the flat, I sighed one last time and rang the bell. ''Please don't be an idiot'' I kept repeating myself. Suddenly, the door opened ''Hey hottie are you lost?'' the boy in front of me said looking at me up and down with a smirk.

''He's an idiot!'' I told myself. ''Are you Jughead?'' I asked faking a smile. ''And you are...?'' Jughead said nodding slowly. ''Your new roommate'' I said.

''Oh shit, I forgot. Please come in'' Jughead said turning away from the door to let me through. ''Sorry for the mess'' he said as I went inside. As I entered the smell of marijuana hit my nose and I coughed.

''It is not the largest apartment in the world but it is comfortable'' Jughead said showing me the kitchen / living room. He directed me into a mini hallway which was to the right of the kitchen where there were 3 doors. One next to each other and the last one at the end of the hall.

''Here is the bathroom'' Jughead pointed to the first door at the begining of the hall ''this is your room and the one in the en of the hall is mine'' pointed the other two doors. I nodded and gave him a thanks smile.

''And that's it. Take the keys to the house and the garage'' Jughead said handing me a set of keys. ''Thanks you'' I replied taking the keys. ''I will be in my room if you need me'' he said and I nodded.

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