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Jughead P.O.V

I was in the kitchen having breakfast when Toni and Betty left the room. Betty was stunning and I couldn't help it but stare. When she left Toni told me ''staring much?'' and she chuckled.

''What? No I wasn't'' I said trying to lie. ''So don't you like her?'' Toni said with a raised eyebrow and crossing her arms. ''Not at all'' I answered.

''By the way, what happened last night? You were yelling at her'' I asked trying to change the subject. ''Oh, cousin things'' Toni said downplaying it and I nodded. I didn't want to pressure her to tell me something she didn't want.

''And what plans do you have for today?'' I asked. ''Babysitting like always and then I'm going to another date with the girl I told you to se the fireworks'' Toni blushed. ''Cheryl was?'' I smirked and Toni nodded blushing even more. She totally liked that girl.

''So I'm alone on the 4th of July'' I sighed. ''What about Sweets and Fangs?'' Toni said with a frown. ''No idea'' I shrugged my shoulders.

''And what are you going to do?'' she asked. ''Maybe I bring some girl home'' I said with a smirk thinking that could be fun.

''You will never change Jones'' Toni said shaking her head and giggling. ''See you later jerk'' she kissed my head and left. 

When Toni left I decided to play xbox until lunchtime. I made some macaroni with tomato and after ate I called one of the girls in my phone contacts. I had nothing better to do.

Ashley came around 5pm but when we were making out and she wanted to go far I wasn't in the mood so I told her to stop. Ashley got mad and left. Just few seconds after Ashley ran out Betty went inside.

''Wow, are you than bad in bed?'' Betty said giggling after saw Ashley ran out. ''Come here and find out for yourself'' I told her with a wink and tapping on the sofa for him to sit next to me. 

Betty shook her head with a giggle as she sat next to me. ''You're a jerk, you know that right?'' she giggled. ''Yeah, you tell me many times'' I chuckled.

''How are you here so soon? Aren't Trave taking you to see the fireworks?'' I asked surprised that she was here so soon. ''That's what I thought but he told me he always watches the fireworks with his family so'' Betty said disappointed and shrugging shoulders.

''We are in time to go to a place I know and see them. If you want of course'' I said hoping she would say yes. ''Really?! Omg Jug I would love to'' Betty said excited.

''Come on'' I said getting up from the couch and offering my hand. She grabbed my hand smiling and got up off the couch. We left home and went for a walk to a park that I know.

We were walking when I realized we were still holding hands, I got nervous and released her hand. But she kept smiling and telling me what she had done with Trev. And I told her what I did, which was certainly much less interesting and fun than what her did. 

She told me that Trev had given her a bouquet of roses and invited her to eat at an Italian restaurant. Then after lunch they went for a walk in Central Park and then she came home.

We got to the park and sat on the grass. ''This is beautiful Jug'' Betty said happy. ''Glad you like it'' I replied with a smirk. ''What are you going to study?'' Betty asked.

 And we started to know each other question after question. By the time the fireworks started I knew from her that she was going to study artistic drawing, that her favorite genre of book is terror and mystery. Her favorite book is The Outsider by Stephen King. Also that her favorite movies are those of terror or mystery although she loves Marvel movies. Her favourite movie is The Guardians of the Galaxy. Her favorite color is black and she loves dogs. Betty's favourite food is burgers. Her hobbies are playing the piano and drawing. Her favorite genre of music is rock and pop, although more rock.

I told her about me that my favorite movie and book genres are the same as her, as well as the same favorite color, music and food. I was going to study photography. My favorite book is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and my favorite movie is Inception. I love dogs as well. And my hobbies are photography and play the guitar.

The more she told me about her, the more I was interested in getting to know her even more and when I told her things about me, she listened attentively with a smile. We had a very good time, she was incredible and we had a lot of things in common and I loved it.

When the fireworks started, Betty was like a little girl who saw the sea for the first time. She was adorable. I couldn't help it and put my arm on his shoulders and she rested her head on mine.

On the way home we were talking about Breaking Bad and what we believed what was going to happen next. We both share interesting theories. Once at home we decided to change into our pajamas and watch a few episodes of the serie.

The truth is that today I was having a good time with Betty, she is one of the nicest people I have ever met. And I was glad to see her so happy with Trevor. So if he makes her so happy I guess I have to give him a chance and accept him. Now I knew how Fangs felt about her, wanting to protect her at all costs. I wanted to do the same, prevent anyone from ever hurting Betty.

We both left the room at the same time after changing and we went laughing to the living room. We settled on the couch and put on the serie. Today was being one of the best days since summer began.

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