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Betty P.O.V

A month has passed and I have to say that it has been the best in a long time. Trev and I are better than ever, we have been going to a lot of dates and he is always very attentive to me. Thanks to him I now have the confidence to wear skirts and dresses. He's always telling me how pretty and sexy I am. This past week he has been a little jealous of Jughead because we are very close, but I have told him that he has nothing to worry about. Yesterday they argued because Jughead put his hand on my thigh and stroked it with his thumb so I decided to make it up to Trev to see that I'm totally his and he had nothing to fear.

Toni, Cheryl, Veronica and I are closer than ever. I even told them about my self-harm problem and ever since, even though they are sometimes very overwhelming, they have been supporting me a lot and helping me not to do it. I've been without cutting myself for more than a month so I didn't need to wear the bandana or the bracelets. Sometimes I have wanted to do it, yes, but they were always there to help me and I am eternally grateful. What I have not told them and I don't plan to do is that I have bulimia, step by step.

With Jughead everything is great, we are more united than ever and we had a great time together. He is very tender with me, always when he returns from work he brings me a blue rose because he knows that they are my favorites. He always tries to make me happy and when I'm discouraged he cuddle on the couch with me and we watch a serie or movie. 

Fangs and Sweets are like my brothers, they are always very overprotective with me when we are partying or just on the street and some guy comes up to me and I like it in a certain part. I have a lot of love for them and I would do anything for them and I know they would do it for me too.

Regarding Malachai, Reggie and Kevin, I've met them several times. They are a bit of a bad influence, they tend to smoke joints and sometimes they even get cocaine while partying, but they have never forced me into any of that and I appreciate it. One day when we were in the park I decided to try the joints and I have to say that it was a lot of fun, but I don't usually do it, maybe a hit or two very occasionally.

This afternoon we decided to go shopping at the shopping center Cheryl, Veronica and I to find a dress to wear tonight for the party we are going to do at Cheryl's house since her parents aren't in New York.

''So B, how are things in paradise with Trev?'' V asked and I blushed. ''We... did it'' I said shyly. ''OMFG! No way you just lost your virginity!'' Cheryl screamed excited. ''Shhhh low your voice Cher!'' I said.

''And how was it?'' V raised an eyebrow and smirked. ''He told me he love me and I said it back and then.. we started to kiss and one thing led to another'' I bit my lip shyly. ''Awww our innocent B it's not than innocent anymore'' Cheryl said with proud in her face and I giggled and rolled my eyes.

''Did it hurt?'' Veronica said with a smirk. ''Like hell!'' I exclamed chuckling. ''And what about you V? How did it went with Jughead?'' Cheryl asked and my face change for complete. ''With Jughead?'' I asked intrigued and a little jealous. I didn't know why I was jealous, but I was.

''Yep, yestarday he called me because he was upset and I cheered him up'' Veronica said with a smirk. ''You two had sex?'' I said with a serious face. ''Sure, how is she going to cheer him up if not dumb'' Cheryl said rolling his eyes.

''It's not like it's the first time Jughead and I have had sex'' Veronica chuckled and Cheryl chuckled as well. ''I- I have to go to the bathroom'' I said and I ran to the bathroom.

The thought of Jughead and Veronica having sex churns my guts as if I had eaten 1 kilogram of ice cream. I knelt down in front of the toilet and started vomiting. Cheryl and Veronica entered behind me almost immediately. ''Are you okey?'' ''What happened?'' Cheryl and Veronica asked.

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