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Opening his eyes to the sound of his phone ringing for the millionth time, Mason sighed softly and covered his face with his hand, trying to wake himself up.

Once he started to become aware of his surroundings, he realized that he was still in Deja's living room, except now,the room was darkened, and only partially lit from the light that was still on in the kitchen.

Feeling Deja shift, he glanced down and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw that she was asleep on his chest, with her round stomach on top of his.

Both of them were still naked and only partially covered by the blanket that resided on the back of the couch.

Tightening his hold on her body, he kissed the top of her head and sighed softly as memories of what they had done just hours ago started to fill his head.

Hearing his phone start to ring again from the kitchen, he was only filled with irritation.

But, instead of getting up to answer it, he wrapped his other arm around Deja and hugged her just a little bit tighter as he buried his face in her neck and closed his eyes once again.

Deja however, couldn't ignore the sound of his ringing phone, despite how comfortable and amazing she felt within his tight hold.

"Baby." She mumbled. "What time is it?"

"I don't know." He responded simply.

Opening her eyes, she frowned a little at how dark it was, and was instantly horrified at the thought that she must have been late for work.

Jumping out of his hold, she didn't bother to grab the blanket or her clothes from the floor as she ran as fast as she could to kitchen where their phones were.

Grabbing hers, she turned it on and checked the time, relieved when she saw that she still had an hour before she had to be at work, but that only meant that she literally had to leave right now if she was going to make it there on time.

"What was that about?" Mason asked, making his way into the kitchen as well.

"I thought I was late for work, but I'm still going to be. I need to leave like right now. Shit." She cursed.

"Don't freak, baby. Just got get ready and I'll take you."

"Will you? Thank you so much." She sighed, then quickly left the kitchen and made her way upstairs to get ready, leaving Mason alone once again.

Standing there, he couldn't help but to laugh to himself and shake his head.

Grabbing his phone, he noticed the couple of missed calls he had from his father, as well as a few texts telling him to call back so that his family knew he was okay, considering they hadn't heard from him in a couple of days and knew he had been stressed.

Sending his dad a quick text, he assured him that he was fine and that everything was okay, and that he would give him a call back in about an hour since he was busy at the moment.

Placing his phone back on the counter, it was then that he went back to the living room to find his clothes.

Grabbing his shirt off of the coffee table, he easily slipped it on, then grabbed his underwear and pants from the floor, putting them back on as well.

Now that he was dressed, he went back to the kitchen and grabbed his phone, along with Deja's underwear and pants.

He had no idea where her shirt had gone, and instead of looking for it, he just took the two articles of clothing he had already found, up to her room.

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