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"You're what?" Mason asked, sitting up a little straighter in his seat as he looked at her.

"I'm pregnant..." she repeated slowly, her heart beating faster in her chest with each passing second.

"Fucking Christ." He mumbled, not saying another word as he placed his face in his hands and leaned forward, letting out a deep sigh.

For the next two minutes, it remained silent between the two of them, while Mason remained in his position to try and process what he was being told, and Deja just sat there watching him, nervously playing with her fingers.

Unable to bear the silence any longer, Deja broke it.

"Mase... you're not mad are you?"

"No." He mumbled. "I'm not mad... but what the fuck." He said, finally looking back at her. "I thought we were going to wait, Deja."

"That was the plan, but-"

"But nothing, Deja. I told you what my plans were for us. I wanted to travel with you, and do shit, and just fucking live, but now-"

"We can still do that." She frowned, cutting him off.

"With a baby?" He frowned as well. "No we can't. All the money we make will be gone. I'm not even twenty one yet, Deja. My life is over before it even got started."

"No it's not." She frowned, quickly becoming worked up at his attitude. "It's not the end of the world, Mason. If anything, our world is just going to get bigger."

"I don't want our world to be bigger yet. I like it the way that it is."

"Well that's too bad. Because I'm keeping it, and you're not leaving."

"No fucking shit, Deja." He frowned. "Why would you even say that bullshit."

"Because you're acting like this is the worst news ever!" She snapped, her voice raising. "Like your life just ended!"

"Do you expect me to fucking jump up and down!?" He asked, raising his voice back. "I know you probably don't know this, but a baby isn't the best news right now."

"I do know that, Mason." She told him. "And I'm sorry that it's happening, but do you honestly think I wanted this?"

"You're joking right?" He frowned. "Deja, you locked me in when I tried to pull out, you wanted to get pregnant. You didn't give a damn about what I wanted."

"I didn't get pregnant from that, Mason!" She snapped at him. "I just started experiencing the symptoms. I haven't even had morning sickness yet! I didn't do this. I had to have gotten pregnant recently."

"I don't see how. Have you been taking your birth control?"

"Yes!" She frowned.

"Are you sure?"

"Mason!" She stressed, becoming even more worked up. "You sound fucking ridiculous. You need to calm down and think about the things you're saying to me."

Sighing, Mason shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying his best to calm down. Truth was, he wasn't mad at all. He was terrified. Absolutely terrified.

"I don't know how to be a parent, Deja." He mumbled. "I'm not ready for that."

"Neither am I, Mase. I don't know the first thing about being a mom. You saw how mine treated me... I'm scared. But the only choice we have is to try and prepare ourselves."

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