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girl there's no need to cry,
'cause you know I'm here for you
And girl you know when you cry,
I'll wipe your tears for you
And girl I know when you lyin',
'cause I can feel for you
But girl there's no need to lie,
'cause I'm still here for you
Girl I'm still here for you

     Sitting in his fathers hospital room, Mason silently stared out the window and tapped his fingers against his knee.

It was just now hitting ten in the morning, and although Dayveon was not in the room, due to him undergoing some more testing, the rest of the family, except the twins, were in the hospital room waiting for his return and hopefully some good news.

Feeling his phone buzz in his hand, Mason looked down at it, hoping to see a text from Deja, but was disappointed to see a meaningless notification that held no value to him. Sighing, he cleared the notification and turned his phone off, looking back out the window.

He had texted and called Deja earlier that morning before he came to the hospital, but never heard back from her, which was odd, but he had too much going on to really question it. He knew that she was most likely busy with school and already up and in class, so he wasn't pressed over the issue. He was just going wait until her class was over in two hours before he would try to call her again.

"Mase, you want anything from Subway? I'm gonna run and get everyone something to eat." Jazz said, catching his attention.

"Uh.. no thanks." He mumbled, declining her offer.

"Have you talked to Deja yet?" Carmen asked softly, getting Mason's attention.

"Uh.. no." He mumbled and cleared his throat. "She's probably in class right now... when I talked to her last night she said she had a bunch of homework, so she probably had a long night or something."

"And how are you guys doing?" She asked, trying to have a conversation that could hopefully ease their minds and let them think of something other than the obvious.

"We're good, ma." He told her honestly. "We're really good."

"You know... I love seeing you two love each other." She said with a small smile. "It reminds me so much of your father and I after we met."

"Does it?" He chuckled, squinting his eyes.

"Mhm. You might have been too young to remember how we used to be, plus, we did a lot of stuff in private for a few months... so nobody really saw what really went on with us."

"I remember that." He nodded and chuckled again. "I still remember the day I walked out the room and saw you guys kissing for the first time. I think that's still in the top three best days of my life."

"I bet." She laughed softly. "But just out of curiosity... what's the other two?"

"Well... ranked at number one is the day that Deja came back... because I don't think I've ever been happier than I was on that day. And the other one... I don't wanna mention."

"Jeremiah- Lord child." She chuckled. "I'm pretty sure I know, but you're right, don't mention it."

Laughing softly, he shook his head and glanced down at his phone.

"You guys better not be making me no grand babies. I'm way too young to be getting called grandma." She joked.

"Mama, I love you, but I already had this conversation with dad, and it was too awkward for me to want to have it again, especially with you, no offense."

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