Me, My Life, And Problems

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Hey guys, what's up? Doing pretty good, huh? No? Well then, let's just move on. As you read by the title, I'll be talking about certain things that need to be that need to be discussed.

Please stop here if you don't feel comfortable with such topics that relate to mental health, burn outs, sanity, and other things of that sort.

Lets begin:
Due to the ongoing virus termed COVID 19, people all over the globe have had to stay inside their home. And for a lot of people, that can be tough.

For example, me.
I'm don't intent for this to sound selfish, but I have some things I need to say that are important.
Lately, I haven't been well.
I'm mentally and physically exhausted.
Burned out.

Tired of waking up to the same damn schedule. I barely come out of my room, not wanting to socialize for some reason.
My mental health is plummeting.
I'm practically losing my mind.
Possible some of my sanity at this point.
I've started to talk to myself and hear voices.

My face is pale, my lips are white, and I have dark circles under my eyes.
I'm not sure why I keep myself in my room. Maybe out of curiosity of what would happen if I go insane.
At this point, I'm not in control anymore. I'm...unstable.
Unable to move forward.
I'm in a confused state that I can't get out of.

You know I love you guys. You are a part of what keeps me going. You guys always motivate me to get up in the morning.
You play an important part in my life, and for that, I want to thank you.

Yesterday, I spent some time with my aunt. She talked to me, and helped me. It felt good to let it all out.
She even gave me examples of her life. I've realized that I need to change, whether my body wants it or not.

This is for me.

For my wellbeing.

I've decided to dedicate my time to painting, swimming (I have a pool in my backyard, spend some time with my family, and the occasional cooking.

I'm so sorry for ranting, but it needed to be addressed.

IMPORTANT: I won't be publishing for a few days, but I'll write during that time. I need to organize my thoughts and get adjusted to my new schedule. Just to confirm, however, this book will NOT BE DISCONTINUED!!! Woohoo!

Thank you for listening you guys. You are all amazing!

Lots of love heading your way!

Edit: I forgot to mention that
I'll be reading fanfics and also commenting, just not publishing.

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