Chapter 13: Two Can Play That Game!

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!flirting and a tiny bit of sin? I don't know!

Oh, it was on! I want to be the complimenter here! I will be the complimenter, even if I must fight for it!

"Your eyes are so pretty, I could get lost in them forever!" I say proudly.

He blushes. "Your eyes look incredibly exquisite. And your blush is charming." He comments.

"Oh yeah!? Well uhm your outfit really suits you!" I yell at him.

"Oh yeah?~ well your smile drives me CRAZY~" he says in a flirtatious tone.

I blush. "U-uh oh yeah?! Well uhh.... UGH! Do you know how much courage I have to muster up just to reply back to you?! All of it! Every drop!" I say, annoyed.

I sit back down on the bench and look away, hiding in the scarf. He blushes then laughs. He sits next to me.

"I'm... gonna be honest with you..." he says quietly.

Error POV
"I know we just met but... I feel a connection with you. Its strong, and warm. It feels so nice just being next to you. Like I said... I know we just met but... I saw you the other day. You were here with your friend Dream.

You were on your phone and you just looked so... interesting. Your eyes were admirable to look at. Every time I glanced at you, it would give me butterflies and make me feel... warm and tingly.

I actually liked the feeling. I've never experienced a feeling like this. Ever. You seem so... special. So perfect. So attractively mesmeric.

I used to be so blank, since someone in my life lied to me. That lie though, it hurt like hell. But you! You just......

because of you, I recently find myself daydreaming most of the time... and.. smiling just for no reason...

and I came here to ask you something, but I obviously got nervous... and I really want to thank you, for helping me. And I wanted to ask you if...I could have...your number?..." I said, looking back at ink.

His eyes were wide, with exclamation marks. "Of course you can have my number!" He said as he giggled.

He blushed a dark rainbow. "I've felt the same way to, after all..." he looked down and blushed even more.

He took out a piece of paper and wrote down his number. "Here. Make sure to keep it safe! I want to talk soon." He said with a smile. I suddenly heard a phone go off.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! A he just asked me for his number!! YES! I hear my phone go off. I take a look. It's dream.

'Hey ink! I know you and error are on the balcony 7w7~ I'm gonna wait outside for you. It's already late and you have work to do and so do I. Hurry! And don't take to much time up there~'.

I blushed and stood up. "Hey, what happened?" Error says, also getting up. "it's nothing. Just something dream said. Listen, I got to go since I have work to do tomorrow.

But please call me when your comfortable, I like to hear your voice~" I say flirtatiously. He blushes madly.

"I'll catch you, glitchy~" I say, and walk back inside, heading to the exit.

Error POV
Holy shit. This guy is hot. I feel warm and tingly. I'm thinking about what he just said. 'I'll catch you later, glitchy~'

I collapsed onto the bench and looked to the door. I thought about him.

God damn, he really is something. Would have liked to talk to him more though... I like him a lot, if you can't tell. The way he said my nickname in that tone made me feel weird. I wanted him...

I loved the way his hips swayed as he walked inside.

His beautiful legs complimenting his sweet, succulent waist...

I felt temptation for something. I stand up again, and head to the exit. Killer probably just wanted to hang out with dream.

Now that he's gone, he probably want to leave. "I knew you were gonna be out here." I say with a smirk.

"And I knew you showed interest in that skeleton. Turns out he did to." He said, smirking like he's mocking me.

"Wh-what?! How do you know about that!?" I asked. "Simple. You never came back down until now. And I saw dream bugging Ink while they were heading out." He explained.

"Nicely done Error! Now you just gotta win a date with him~" he said. I blushed. "Let's just go home.." I grumbled.

He chuckled and we started walking. I thought about ink. Everything about him was just so...


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