Chapter 11

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The next day, I decided. 'Today will be the day I end this once and for all. I am not jumping to conclusions. What I'm seeing is real. What I'm thinking is true. There is nothing I can do other that let go and let him be happy. Today, I will prove to Ryuu that I'm right about all this and show him Kei's true feelings. I have to do this, for Kei. For me.'

I got ready and left for school quickly. I arrived same time Ryuu did. Perfect. "Good morning, Ryuu!"

"Morning. You seem awfully happy today. Something happen?"

"Something will. Something interesting"

"I see. Well, let's go, shall we?" he asked as we headed off to the garden.


Me, Ryuu, Megumi and Jun were playing board games when Kei walked in, basically leaving a trail of happiness wherever he walked. "Morning. Happier than usual, aren't you?" I said in a disgustingly sweet tone.

"As are you." he said cheerfully as he sat down.

He made me sick. 'What the hell is he so happy for? Getting a failed lunch by a failed cook? I wonder why. Oh, silly me, I know, because he lo-'

I couldn't even finish my thought. 'I still don't want to admit it. He is breaking me and throwing me away and leaving me to be forgotten, yet why don't I want to let go of him? Because I still don't want to accept that he's moved on? I want to forgive him and move past this. I hate how I'm so vulnerable towards this jerk. I hate how I'm so weak.'

Ryuu, Megumi and Jun tried to talk to Kei. That didn't turn out so well. Kei answered with weirdly daydreamy tones and carefree answers. This was starting to really creep me out. Right then, Tadashi came and noticed Kei too. He looked back and forth between us and Kei and, confused. "Did something happen?" he asked idiotically.

"Nothing really." Kei answered unnaturally cheerfully, running a hand through his hair and smiling.

"Oh, is that so" he said carefreely, stuffing some food from the table into his mouth. I almost face palmed on the table. 'Is he serious?' All of a sudden, Tadashi almost choked on his food and backed quickly towards us. "Kei is smiling? What is this witchcraft?! What happened?" he asked, mostly me.

"Remember the agreement from yesterday? Hikari is attempting a bento for Kei." I said sourly.

"Oh...I see," he said with a look of understanding.

"Allow me to intrude," a voice said from behind us.

"NO. Go away you useless waste of space! Leave and never let yourself into my sight ever again!" I yelled before I even turned around. All of what happened yesterday was his fault. He and his stupid competition. Ryuu reached his arm out and pushed me behind Him.

"Let us take care of this, okay?" He whispered with a wink. I reluctantly nodded slowly. As long as this coward disappears, I won't mind.

"Oh, hey, it's the cowardly president!" Ryuu said first.

"Hey, useless president!" said Tadashi next.

"Crappy president!" Jun said cheerfully with a smile.

*Pathetic president!* wrote Megumi. I almost overflowed with laughter. 'Oh my god, my friends are the best! Wait a they know what happened? Did Ryuu tell them my situation? Ugh, why would he do that?!? They'll worry!'

"Ah, you're the loser president, aren't you" said Kei all lovely like. It pissed me the hell off. The worthless president seemed to feel the same way.

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