Chapter 12

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For afternoon tea, Akira prepared Keeman for us. "It has a special trait of smelling like orchids" is what she said, I think. I was sipping tea beside Jun when I noticed Kei. Poor little Kei. He longingly looked up at everyone's tea, then quickly turned back to his book. He did this a few more times before everyone noticed. We ran to a quick "secret meeting" away from Kei. "He looks awfully hungry" whispered Ryuu. Everyone agreed.

"I wonder if he will be alright"

*Hikari sure is late*

"Of course she 's late." I muttered, "Cooking is her weakest point. She'll probably make the whole kitchen explode from trying to use a rice cooker! She's hopeless! It's Kei's own fault for telling her to cook." I said a little louder, half-hoping Kei could hear me.

"W-well then I'll take a look, okay?" Akira said as she headed for the kitchen.

We went back to drinking our tea while we waited for Akira's return. Soon after, I heard an small explosion. "I told you"

I looked at Kei and started to feel bad for him, but I shook it away quickly. 'NO! It's HIS fault for being ungrateful. It's HIS fault for choosing to starve himself for his stupid food. It's HIS fault for telling her to cook in the first place! It's his fault for breaking me. It's his fault for hurting me. Everything is his fault.'

I mentally kicked myself. 'So why do I want to take care of him? Why do I want to forgive him and move past all this? To forget this ever happened and go back to how it was before. Why does he affect me so much?'

I watched as he opened and closed his book. 'I don't know what to do anymore. First, I wanted to show Ryuu the truth so I could end everything, but how come I don't want to anymore? He's obviously waiting (and suffering) for something "special" from Hikari, AND completely ignoring me, but it doesn't make me mad.

I feel...sad. I don't want to end things. I don't want to be forgotten. I don't want to move on. I don't want you to leave, Kei.'

My hands clenched into tight fists when Hikari came back and Kei's face lit up with joy. 'I won't give up, Hikari, but I'll let you have this one, for helping me realize what I want.' I just sat and watched as Hikari handed Kei his rice balls, and smiled when everyone started teasing her. I felt happier just watching Kei, and everyone, smile. 'Yes, this is what I want, but I won't let go of you quite yet, Kei.'


"These rice balls are for the rather famished student council president, Kakei!" the useless idiot said as he snatched the rice balls from Kei's hands and took a huge bite. I felt rage build up inside of me as I watched the rice balls fall to the ground. "T-terrible" he whispered as he started to gag on the rice. Murderous intent spread around Kei and me as we got up from our seats.

I took a few steps towards the stupid coward and grabbed his collar. "That was Kei's meal of the day you idiot! Now what the hell else is he gonna eat?" You want me to work MY ass off in the now messed up kitchen because of you? HUH? Who the hell else is gonna make his god damned food? Akira? Ryuu? Do you think ANYONE would want to make up for your pitifully low intelligence?" I yelled as I started to choke him. "Kei was freaking kind enough to wait for Hikari so she would feel some sense of accomplishment but you had to be an ass and eat it didn't you?!? Get lost you idiotic waste of space!" I growled, venting the anger that built up today and kicking him away as hard as I could.

As he flew away, I realized that I was the one who told him that this bento was for him. 'Well, that's what he gets for being gullible and moronic.' I dismissed the thought and saw Ryuu smiling at me. I guess he figured out my new resolve. Before I looked away, I noticed Megumi and Jun smiling the same way as well. I paused. Did they know my situation as well?

I dusted my hands off and turned to Kei. He looked surprised, then he smiled at me. I guess we're both forgiven then. We turned to Hikari, who was on the floor picking up her rice balls.


"Sorry, Takishima. I almost made you eat something horrible again. I'm really sorry". She said overly cheerful, the tears in her eyes threatening to fall. I felt sadder just looking at her, and right after I recovered too! Kei walked up to her and asked to eat the rice balls. I kept watching, although deep down, I really didn't want to. 'If I broke by every little thing, I would become unfixable, wouldn't I?' "Hey Kei, let's make another promise. I won't break easily anymore and I won't give up, 'kay? So please, keep smiling" I whispered quietly to myself, as I watched Kei eat happily.

"Well, they say hunger is the best seasoning!" Tadashi said just before getting hit with a rice cooker by Akira. I was so tempted to tell her that one of Hikari's rice balls would also work very effectively in disciplining Tadashi. Instead, I just smiled.

"Thank you for the food, it was really delicious." Kei said gratefully.


"Now with that said, it's time to slowly end the council president's life." He said, stalking off to find the council moron, a dangerously purple aura flowing around him.

"H-hey! Don't say such disturbing things!" Hikari called after him.


"Oh right! I made rice balls for everyone!"

"H-hey Kei! Me too! I'll help!" I called to Kei as I caught up. "Don't you dare leave me in a dangerous situation like that. Ever. Not everyone can eat like you, ya know!" I muttered to him as he chuckled a little.

"I see you're back to normal." he said happily.

"Well...yeah...I guess..."

"You want cake?"

"Hey! Are you making fun of me or something? Trying to compensate? Apologize? Freak me out? Bribe me? Huh?!?!" I yelled, jumping away from him.

"No, nothing like that...wait...what did you say?"

"Errr....I want chocolate cake...triple chocolate...with strawberries...and extra cream."

"Of course." he said with a smile and a roll of his eyes, as we headed off to my favorite cake shop.

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