Chapter 16

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"Are you sure about this?"

"Absolutely positive."

After about nine hundred and seven years of shopping and sightseeing, Sakura, Yahiro and I were finally on the plane to Japan. Sakura was chattering excitedly about her plans all the way. Her "foolproof" plans. I was still trying to figure out if she breathes while she speaks.

"And Yahiro is also in on this, Right?" she inquired while shooting a look at Yahiro.

"Of course. Who do you think I am?" he replied lazily.

"Super! Akane, don't worry about a thing, we've got your back. Everything will be crystal clear to everyone in the span of a week." Sakura chirped.

"Are you really sure this will work?"

"Oh, stop being so scared Aka, it's only a little test for evidence...Well, a big test of evidence...and maybe a little manipulation...Well, maybe a lot of manipulation I really don't know. That's all. Nothing to be worried about!" she said happily with a grin spread on her face.

"Great." I muttered sarcastically. "Also, it's Akane, not just Aka."


"Step one of the plan to expose Kei and get foolproof, supporting, distinctive evidence that he is a little prick, initiate." Sakura said through her earpiece.

"Remind us of what we need to do, I'm pretty sure both me AND Yahiro completely forgot." I replied back.

"Sakura, you have to speak a little slower when you create an evil plan." Yahiro sighed.

"Well you need to LOOK less evil because you have the ears of the devil but I didn't say anything about that!" She snapped back.

"Okay, break it up you two," I sighed, "Nevermind, just tell me what to do, I only remember you telling me I had to go to school. Here I am. Now what."

"Okay, Akane, all you have to do is listen to Yahiro and I. We skipped school today so we're at home. We'll be with you all day helping you with everything. You're geared up with the spy gadgets, right?"

"Sakura, they're just various communication devices." Yahiro stated. I could just about feel his internal sigh.

"Actually, Yahiro, I'm more towards spy gadget because they're so...stalker-ish. I mean, who else will make a high quality listening device with a mic and camera in the form of a tiny dangling clip on earring that explodes with voice activation? If you make these sorts of things no wonder you know anything and everything that goes on. Although a camera in a dangly earring seems pretty useless." I muttered as I headed to the garden.

"Yes, those are just in case. That's why I gave you the-"

"Contacts of death! How could I forget!" I cried sarcastically, "The contacts you chose to use as cameras instead of, oh I don't know, glasses? Because using contacts TOTALLY won't kill my eyes and make me go BLIND!"

"Calm down Akane, they're totally safe. Besides, glasses cameras are so cliché."

"Like I care! Okay, whatever, nevermind the complete danger I'm in right now. I'm at the garden now so just tell me what to do."

"Akane, all you need to do is get Hikari alone, but outside of school. Then I'll take it from there." Sakura said while I opened the door and saw my family, the Special A.

"Okay, but how the hell do I do that." I murmured.

"Good morning!" I greeted as I stiffly took my usual seat beside Kei. From then on I only said what Sakura and Yahiro told me to say, trusting that they wouldn't be too obvious with this plan.

"Hikari, can you please, please pretend to be my girlfriend so my mom won't force me into a marriage interview?! Akira can't so...please!" Tadashi was on his knees, begging with his best puppy eyes on my right. Just my luck.

"Sure, but-"

"Great! Thank you so much!" he cut in. He turned to the rest of us. "Can you all come too? It will be more fun and-" he stopped when he met Kei's slightly dangerous eyes. "I need protection, guys. Please. This is very dangerous for me in so many different ways." he finished in a small whisper. Everyone but Kei shook their heads and offered up excuses. Meetings, family reunions, the works. In my case, a secret, possibly evil mission, but I didn't say it.

"I'm free that day." Kei announced. It was then decided that it would be Kei, Hikari and Tadashi that would go and hang out in the shopping district that Sunday. Talk about third wheels.

"Perfect!" Sakura exclaimed. "Akane, all you need to do now is class. We've got this all planned out."


"Step two," Sakura's voice said through my earpiece, "make Hikari realize she loves Kei-"

"WHAT" I screamed, earning myself stares from about a hundred people in the shopping district.

"Then shoot her down." she finished darkly. I shivered from her chilling words. I mean, I love shooting people as much as the next person, but hearing it from someone else so seriously is pretty creepy. For a second, I wondered if this plan was the right way to go. Maybe we should go for Kei, although Hikari is lots easier to persuade.

"Sakura, is this right?" I asked slightly worried

"What do you mean?"

"Are we targeting the right person?"

"You know, we aren't REALLY shooting her." she giggled. "Don't worry Akane, we're going after Kei too. We are just going to make the point to both of them to back off and make everything right. No one can mess around with my girl and get away with it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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