Chapter 4

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I woke up like usual. Kei ended up in the same bed as me because of Suzume but by the time I woke up, he was already gone. 'He wakes up really early' I thought as I rubbed my eyes and headed to the bathroom. After I changed and curled my hair, also as usual, I went for breakfast and saw Kei already at the table.

"'Morning," I said as I sat down, still as sleepy as when I just woke up. "You still need lots of sleep? No wonder you don't grow" he said, leaning on the table and smirking. "Oh shush. Not everyone requires only 5 hours of sleep like you...That doesn't even make sense anyways!" I say, taking a mouthful of the chocolate cake that wasn't eaten yesterday. "There's another reason you don't grow. You shouldn't eat so many sweets, especially in the morning." he said jokingly. "Try and stop me!" I exclaimed, stuffing my mouth with the chocolatey heaven.

"So what did you two do together yesterday? alone. At night." Suzume said, a grin spreading over her face.


"No Kei! You can't even joke about it or I will never hear the end of it! I'm not even kidding!" I whispered to him really quickly, slapping my hand over his mouth. I felt his smirk from behind my hand.

"What are you two whispering about? Did something happen?" Suzume's grin was wider than ever.

"No! We just watched a movie and ate cake. There is still a piece in the fridge, you can have it! Bye!" I said, getting up and dragging Kei with me to the door. We got into the car and sped off for school.

"Wow. Akane sharing her cake? Unheard of! And chocolate cake at that!"

"What are you implying?" I said, gasping dramatically and putting on a "hurt" face. He grinned and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Happy Birthday, Kei"

We got to school and headed straight for the garden. We were pretty early so not many people were there. We just lounged around lazily until we remembered what we were supposed to do. We said our goodbyes and I went to find Megumi, Jun, and Ryuu to help with the recital. Well, I say it's a recital, but its actually a present for Kei, from Jun and Megumi. I found them at the front of the school already handing out flyers to passing students so I hurried towards them. Obviously, we also want an audience too. It's two stones with a bird!... or something like that...I don't know that saying either.

I picked up some flyers and started handing them out beside Megumi. Almost right away, Hikari came and asked about the recital. We explained our plan to her but she looked very unsure about it.

"But it's right before exams! Are you sure?"

"Are you against it?"

*It will be just like a festival!*

At that, Hikari's eyes lit up. "A festival?!?! Yes!! I'm in!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm glad you like our idea" I muttered sarcastically.

"Such a fortunate social position, with the exams so close and all," I heard a faintly familiar voice say. I craned my head around Hikari and saw that spiky haired guy from yesterday. I felt a smirk play on my lips, 'interesting'. His group of worried friends muttered things to him to try to stop him but it didn't look like it their efforts had much effect.

"Shut up! I won't be satisfied until I say this much!" he yelled irritatedly. He glared at us as he continued,"They look down on us!" he turned and looked at Hikari's confused face, "What you're doing now is looking down on us! Playing around without a care in the world!" Hikari started to try and reason with him but I stepped towards them and stopped her, knowing that it would be a pointless waste of time.

"Theres no point explaining yourself to the likes of them" I turned my head to Hikari, "They won't listen even if you do" I finished, staring right at Spiky.

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