Chapter 8

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The next day, we set up an arena so people could watch the match. Meanwhile, Kei and Hikari went to the gym to train, although I didn't think they needed to. Those Fanny brothers looked really weak in the flyer from yesterday. Kei could probably defeat them by himself. With his eyes closed. And his hands tied behind his back. Taped to a pole.

"I'm bored. I'm going to look for Kei and see how he's doing Kay~~" I sang as I skipped out the door. The student council president would probably be there spying on them, being the coward he is. I reached the building and while heading for the door, I found them. The useless council president and his two pathetic followers were there, as I expected, spying through the window. I crept back and tiptoed right behind them.

"Are they even human?" I caught the coward say before I reached him.

"President, if we leave things like this, even the Fankyu brothers..."

"Yup. They aren't even close to strong enough. Even just Hikari could beat them." I whispered in the same tone as them, crouching beside the second follower. They got really scared and jumped back quickly.

"I-It's you!!! Since when have you been there?!?!?" yelled the coward,

"Not very observant either are you, Useless president. I was here like, a whole minute ago!" I said, getting up and rolling my eyes. Now, what are you planning, cowards!" I said glaring at the cowering figures crouched on the ground.

"N-n-nothing! N-now class is g-g-going to start now. We'll be leaving!" the council weakling managed to stutter before he and his followers rushed off.

"You will never win no matter what you do!" I called behind them. I sighed as I also started to head back to class. What a troublesome guy.


After class, I made my way back to the gym, figuring Hikari and Kei would be there again. 'I STILL don't know why they are training so hard for these fukyu brothers. Or was it Fyukan? I don't remember.. Oh well' When I walked through the school halls, though, something felt strange. Right as I turned the corner, I saw it. A very poorly made booby trap hanging from the ceiling. Knowing it was from the pathetic council president, I turned around and headed for the garden. "Looks like Kei will have some fun" I muttered to myself, grinning at the thought of Kei getting caught by one of those pathetic things.

I was one step out of the school when 7 guys dressed in black attacked me almost all at once. I dodged the first guy's punch and jumped up over the second. I stepped on his head and pushed him into the rest of them. "What are you doing?" I asked innocently, a sweet smile on my face, as they started to get back up. They hesitated, then charged at me again, all at once. I sighed as I started to run towards the garden, the attackers getting farther and farther behind me. Physical activity sucks.

I turned to see if i could slow down my pace seeing that I did't need to run very fast. Right then one of the guys threw a punch, almost hitting my face. "Wow you're fast! You caught up with me! The rest of your pals are miles and miles and miles away. Look!" I said cheerily, pointing at the panting people in the distance. His eyes narrowed and he swung a kick at my legs. "Wow that was close, I almost tripped! You better be careful, you could hurt someone." I teased as I kept dodging his attacks.

Laughing, I bursted into the garden and found Ryuu and Tadashi playing cards, perfect. "Tadashiii!!!! Ryuu-niiii!!! Can you take care of them for me?" I asked, sprinting ahead of my speedy pursuer. I picked up the sloth Ryuu brought today out of his arms and hid behind Tadashi. "C'mon Tadashi give 'me the old one two! Yay!" I said just before I jumped away from an attack from that guy. "Hey, come to think of it," I said while dodging his blows, "I don't know your name. I'm gonna call you Minnow because minnows swim super fast cuz they're weak fish." This made Minnow angry and he tried to grab my throat, but my little sloth friend swiped at his hand before he reached. I laughed and sat on him while he yelped in pain. "Unlike most sloths, hits one is really fast." I said to Minnow.

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