Chapter 2

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As we pulled up, I saw a cute little house and a very kind looking man. We got out and said our greetings. Most of the talking was done by Kei's father since Kei and I were very uninterested in what was happening. This happened to us a lot. Kei would have to meet his father's friends and I would be dragged along because we were pretty much family already. As the man lead us around to the backyard, I saw this "undefeated pro wrestling" girl. Not much to look at really. Long black hair in pigtails and a simple red dress with a while long-sleeve shirt underneath ('who does that?'). She was doing squats in the corner of the backyard.

"Hikari, it looks like these two know pro wrestling too!" said the man. I guess he was her father. "Don't include me in this mister," I said with a sweet grin, "I REALLY don't want to get involved with this" I dropped my grin and replaced it with a slightly annoyed look as I glanced back to Hikari. "O-okay..." he said, sweat dropping. The girl, Hikari, stopped her squats and turned her head to take a look at us. "Oh, them? With those compliant faces?" she said smugly, seemingly unimpressed by us. 'Was she really trying to insult us?' "Well it's better than having all that black stuff under your nose" said Kei, narrowing his eyes. 'She was annoying him too.' She jumped up, surprised, and started vigorously wiping her nose with her sleeve. "Shut up!" she said, glaring at us with black stuff now, pretty much, all over her face.

She smirked and went into a fighting position, "Okay, I'll take you on. Give me your best shot" she taunted, very confidently.

'Oh, cute. She thinks she can beat us.' "Well, have fun," I said sarcastically, making my way to the ledge at the house, "If you can" I whispered under my breath so only Kei could hear. He narrowed his eyes at me as I took a seat on the wooden floor of the house. I gave him a sweet, innocent grin as he rolled his eyes looking annoyed. He knew he would have to take care of this since I wouldn't no matter what. It was a waste of everyone's energy, especially mine. "Oh, you're running away? Now it won't be much of a challenge at all!" she said, looking like she bested me. I rolled my eyes at her stupidity "Hardly," I said, taking a floor pillow and laying on my stomach so I could still watch them, "Say that after you beat him," I flicked my eyes to Kei.

She turned to Kei, still grinning. "Well? Come at me," she said like she defeated me. I sighed quietly. "Are you sure? I'd be quite embarrassing for you," said Kei smirking, probably trying to make this a little more amusing. He relaxed into a comfortable stance. "W-why you!" Hikari yelled as she charged at Kei.

I rolled my eyes as she was easily flipped and thrown back to her original spot on her bum. "N-no way!" she breathed in disbelief. "Well, you're not so tough after all" Kei said as he walked up to her and smirked. She grit her teeth, "One more time!" she screamed as she was defeated just as fast and easily. After a few more times of this routine, I got bored. "Hey, can we go home now?" I asked Kei's dad. He shook his head. "But Akane-chan, we just got here! Here," he said, handing me a few red lollipops, "you can eat these while you play with Hikari and Kei Kay~~" I tilted my head so my eyes were shadowed and I looked at the lollipops in my hand. "What do you take me for..." I asked with an evil aura, but he was already gone, talking with Hikari's dad. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I unwrapped one and put it in my mouth. I knew this would be boring. I plopped back onto the cushion while Kei kept flashing me pleading glances, every other second, that basically screamed, "Do something about this!" but I ignored them, as I found this a little amusing.

After about ten minutes, I gave in. Kei must feel incredibly bored flipping the same person over and over exactly the same way for almost twenty minutes. "Hey Kei, want a lollipop?" I asked really sweetly. "Sure!" he said right away, immidiately turning and jogging over to me without missing a beat. "What took you so long??" he muttered irritably, ripping off the wrapping of a lollipop and sticking it in his mouth. "I wonder," I questioned, annoying him even more. I smiled at the success and nudged his shoulder. "Hey, at least I got a way to stop it. If I joined at the beginning it could've never ended!" I mumbled. "Your dad says we can leave after an hour" I lied, seeing that I might've pushed Kei a little far with this Hikari girl. Both of us would loath staying any longer that that anyways. He nodded once and smiled a bit at me. "Hey! Are you running away too?" I heard Hikari yell from the other side of the yard. We simultaneously turned her way, "Hardly," we said in unison. She narrowed her eyes, "Don't mess with me!" she yelled, charging at us.

When she got close enough, I shoved a Lollipop into her mouth. "Eat this and shut up, okay?" I said, really annoyed. She calmed down and nodded. "Thank you." she murmured as she sat down beside me. Kei raised his eyebrows at me and I shrugged. "Good job." he mouthed. If I knew it were THAT easy, I'd have done that a long time ago. It didn't last though. After she crunched up her whole lollipop, she challenged me to a fight in which, of course, I refused. It's a waste of my time. "Why not? Are you that much weaker than Kei? If you talk so highly you should show it!" she declared, which got me, unusually quickly, annoyed. "Talk when you beat Kei."

"At least I'm not a coward!"

"Are you serious? At least I put up an actual fight!"

"Then prove it you stuck-up brat!"

"YOU'RE calling ME a brat? Fine, I'll take you on, but remember, you asked for it. Let me warn you though, me and Kei are almost equal." I said, getting up, an unusual air of calmness around me.

I replaced my finished lollipop with another and walked to side of the yard. Hikari grinned, "I knew you were weaker. You shouldn't talk so highly like that!" she screamed as she charged at me. I must have really annoyed her. Good.

"You say that like you and Kei are evenly matched. Like you can beat me if I were a little weaker. Too bad," I said as I flipped her across the entire yard with hardly any effort at all. "When I said almost equal, I meant that Kei is almost as strong as me." I stated, pushing back my hair and striding back to Kei. He was smirking and I knew why.

"Don't try and downgrade me," he said as I sat back down next to him, "I'm just as strong as you are!"

"Well she doesn't know that! Besides, I was always better at flipping," I said, smirking back. We both chuckled at Hikari's face of disbelief. "You know, you're scary when you lie" he said as Hikari dragged her defeated self back towards us. "How so?"

"It's so real" he said as we got up to leave, and if we couldn't, force Kei's dad to let us.

"Kei! Akane! It's time to go kay?" Kei's father yelled to us while we headed his way. "Finally," muttered Kei, "that felt like forever!"

"Bye Hikari! That was fun! See you again some time! Goodbye mister hanazono. It was a pleasure seeing you" we said in unison, fake cheerfulness radiating off every word, as we went out to the car. "See, that wasn't so bad, right?" said Kei's father cheerfully. We rolled our eyes. "Suuuuure. Anyways, Akane asked if I could eat dinner at her house. It's not a problem, right?" Said Kei, not really asking. "Well there is some work-"

"Good, Akane, please tell Suzume that I'll be there." I nodded. 'He really wants to get away from whatever is at home, doesn't he?'

"Fine. Why don't you stay the night too, since you'd be there already. Would that be okay Akane?"

"Of course." Kei's father grinned. He's just like Suzume. He has that gleam in his eye that says, "Why don't you two have some alone time as well. It's not a problem since you are engaged and are too innocent and young and responsible to do anything stupid." I rolled my eyes.

When we were dropped off, we ate dinner quickly to avoid some "Suzume comments" Some including; why don't you two sleep together? Oh, watch a romantic movie! I know, why don't you two take a bath together? I know she's just kidding but please, we ARE just kids.

Kei ended up sleeping in my room thanks to Suzume. We gave in because we were too tired to argue. We're just sleeping anyways. I fell asleep next to Kei quickly, happy that he could rely on me and that I was not completely useless after all.

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