Chapter 13

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We were at tea time and things just felt normal again. I guess everything really was in my head. Or so I thought.

"Hikari, do you have any plans today?" I heard Kei say from right beside me.

"No. Not really"

"My father wanted to see you. It seems like he want so hear some pro wrestling stories. He also hasn't seen Jirou-San for a while" he explained, "If it's okay with you, would you like to come over today?"

"Sure. I don't mind"

"Um...Kei" I whispered to him.

Yes, Akane?"

"Do you...I mean...I...errr...I'm coming over too..."

"Huh? Um...sure okay" he said plainly. I felt relieved that he didn't oppose. I think that would have caused SERIOUS issues...but he did hesitate...


After school, I went with Kei to his house. "W-what is this?!?!?!?!" screamed Hikari, obviously surprised at Kei's house.

"So, is Sui home this time? I never really see him. How is he?" I asked, completely unaffected by the size if Kei's house since I've visited many times before.

"Yes but he's the same as always" he sighed.

"Oh. I see. You know, you really should-"

"Come in" he said, not letting me finish. I smirked as we approached the door. "We" as in me, Kei, Hikari, Tadashi and Akira. This must piss him off SO much. I know how much he HATES people in his house.

"I don't remember inviting you guys." he said irritably to them.

"Oh c'mon Kei, lighten up. Sometimes, I don't know what runs through your head. It's not like they're stalking you on a date or something." I said, still smirking at him. He sighed and continued towards the door.

"Hikari-chan~~~ Akane-Chan~~~" Called Kei's dad as he skipped cheerily to us. From two feet away, he suddenly attacked at both of us. I dodged a kick easily as Hikari got ready to take him on. Kei grabbed Hikari away and pushed his dad with his foot. "No." he said simply.

They started complaining to Kei and I couldn't stop myself. I knelt down and I started poking Oji-san's cheeks. "Ehee~~ Baby faced as ever aren't you, Oji-san"

"Akane-chan! How many times have I told you? Call me FATHER!"

"Of course, Oji-san"

He sighed, "Every single time...Well, come in everyone!" Maids welcomed me and Kei while just stood there amazed. Not that I would blame her. Kei's spotless, shining house would amaze even the wealthiest of people.

Just then, a lady in a red suit and skirt stomped down the stairs giving exasperated cries. "I can't do it anymore! That boy is out of my control!" she cried as she was held back from leaving by a maid with long purple hair (Naoko was her name, I think). I wondered what boy she was talking about when I glimpsed a mini Kei upstairs.

"Hey Sui! Long time!" I called, waving my hand. He looked at me and smiled for a split second before turning back to the lady. "You don't have to come here anymore. Bye bye, old lady."

"Yo tiny Takishima! I don't know who you are but you shouldn't talk to others that way! What's with your attitude? Looking down on others that way, you little..." she screamed as she raced up the stairs and kicked Sui's door down. 'Nice one, Hikari.' I suppressed a giggle and called up to Hikari, "That's Sui, Kei's younger brother. Don't ya know him?"

Everyone went for tea in the other room except for Sui. I think Hikari would apologize for the door there. I decided to stay with Sui for a bit, considering that I'm one of the only people, actually, probably the only person, Sui would actually talk of listen to. Plus, I haven't seen him in a while despite the fact that I visit almost regularly. "Suit yourself, Akane." they said as they left for tea, "Try to make your likable powers spread to everyone while you're at it!"

"So, Sui, what's up?"

"What does that mean? Didn't you see, everything is still the same. A dumb tutor and useless lessons. It's so boring!"

"Well that sucks..." I said, feeling a bit sorry for Sui. "Hey I know! Why don't I come over and teach you? I come here pretty often anyways,"

"Really? That will be much better than that old lady," he said, his face lighting up. He tackled me into a hug, "Thanks, nee-chan!" I smiled, "No problem! Oh, damn, I forgot! I gotta go now okay? See you later!" I said as I rushed out the door. "See ya-" I heard Sui say before I turned the corner and flew down the stairs. 'Oh no! I wonder if he'll be mad'

I rushed out the door, and towards a black limo at the front of Kei's house. "Sorry about that! I forgot to tell you I made a quick stop at Kei's, but I guess you found me alright, Yahiro."

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