Chapter 14

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I scratched the back of my head nervously as I got into the car. "Whatever. We are going to be late. We have to go to the meeting today so we can leave tomorrow!"

"I don't wanna go to a boring meeting!"

"Well that's too bad, isn't it?"

"You're so mean, Yahiro!"

"Well do you want to meet up with Sakura again or not?"


"After having to face the student council president almost daily, I'd think you'd be relieved to leave."

"Jeez, you have the ears of the devil, dontcha? Why do you know everything?" He merely stared back, an amused expression on his face.

"Well, that's for me to know and you to find out, isn't it?"

I puffed my cheeks and looked out the window. "Its not even school today and I have to go to a stupid meeting." Yahiro sighed.

"Its been a long time since we all met up, hasn't it, Yahiro?"

"Yeah. I wonder how she's been."

"Akira or Sakura?"

"S-Sakura, obviously! Why would I be talking about A-A-Ak-ki-"

"Are you kidding? Your face is redder than red!" I laughed, "Who knew the great Yahiro, heir to the Saiga Financial Group, a group with a greater status than Kei's, would be too tongue tied to say a mere name!"

"H-hey! It's not a mere name!"

"And that's what you choose to defend."

"I-" he stopped and looked out the window frustratedly.

"I bet you know."

"Yeah. Things are messed up, aren't they?"



Meanwhile, at Kei's house...

"I know, I know! Why don't you, Hikari, tutor Sui in compensation of kicking down the door?"

"Sure, Oji-san! I'll tell Sui right now!" Hikari rushed through the door towards Sui's room. "Sui! I'll be teaching you in place of that lady alright? We'll have so much fun!"


"Huh? But why?"

"I don't want a brute like you trying to teach me things. Besides, Nee-chan is teaching me."


"It's Akane. She is the only one Sui really listens to." Kei explained appearing beside Hikari.

"But, Kei, where is she?"

"I dont know."


The next day...

"I hate plane rides."

"Suck it up, Akane. You're the one who wanted to go all the way to France to meet up!"

"Yeah but, I didn't know it would feel this long to travel there! It's like that meeting! After sitting still for three hundred hours, it's not done! I've been sitting for DAYS!"

"Quit exaggerating. It's been two hours."


"Who knew, the great Akane, heir to the most successful music company on the planet, more successful than the Takeshima group, can't handle a mere plane ride."

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