Chapter 6

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Time has passed and it's like nothing ever happened. Things went back to normal and the memories of those days were pushed to the very back of my mind. I soon grew normally unobservant to Kei and Hikari again, as I figured that the whole "fondness of Hikari" incident was just Kei being grateful. Kei and I became in sync once more and I would have forgotten about the whole thing if the damned student council president decide not to show his face at school.

I came to school a bit late that day since I wanted as much sleep as possible. I don't get how Kei wakes up so easily! I was still very sleepy as I stepped out of the car and onto the school grounds. I heard screaming girls somewhere in the near distance and decided that was where Kei and the others were. I started shuffling towards them when I tripped on something and almost fell flat on my face. I caught myself just in time and whipped around to see something weird on the ground. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked closer and noticed it was just some guy, so naturally, I went up to his laying figure and started poking him. He muttered something about the S.A being stuck up and cocky so I gave him a piece of my mind. "How useless, you can't even get up. Who are you anyways? You seem like the rich, useless type. Say, are you even good at something? At least have a specialty. Don't talk bad about others if you're the one below them." I poked him hard on the cheek and got up to meet Kei.

"Morning," he said with a smirk. I glanced at the board behind him and knew why. "Oh, the test results came out. How'd you do Kei? Still behind me?"

"No, I think YOU are behind ME this time"

"No, they always post our names up alphabetically. If you haven't figured it out, Takishima comes before Tsugaya" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Didn't think you'd notice since you barely glance at the result lists whenever they come out," he muttered, and I nudged his arm.

"Hey what'd you do? Hikari is more depressed than usual about being rank two" I half whispered to him, slowly jerking my head towards a sulking Hikari.

"Nothing really..." he said looking into the far distance, gazing at nothing.

"I WILL BEAT YOU!!!" Hikari yelled suddenly at the top of her lungs.

"Shhhhh. I'm sure you will," I said in a mock motherly voice as I clapped my hand over her mouth. "It's too early in the morning to be yelling so loud" I muttered as I tiredly dragged myself to the garden.


During tea time, Akira made raspberry pound cake and rosehip tea and everything was as usual. Akira and Tadashi were in another "lovers quarrel" about who knows what. Jun and Megumi were jealous of the chipmunk Ryuu had today. Me and Kei were doing nothing in particular while we sipped at our tea. "Hey Hikari, shouldn't you take a break at least at tea time?" Akira asked in the middle of her quarrel. She didn't answer, but she started muttering about how she "will crush us on the next test because she is reading books while we are leisurely sipping tea". I rolled my eyes as Kei played along and they start a random contest of "who can do more while reading".

I tuned out and vaguely heard stuff about a useless student council president in the hospital because of his second-tear, or something. I wondered if that could be the guy from this morning, but I quickly dismissed the thought. Someone like that for the student council president? Please.

"Second-tier huh? It makes me want to support them!" Hikari said determinedly.

"That's because you two are second place buddies right?" Kei said gazing up at the sky with a smirk on his face.

"Miss rank two" I finished subconsciously.

I set down my tea as I saw Hikari open her mouth to yell her famous line. "Don't call me rank two!" a boy-like voice yelled.

"Whoa, Hikari, what happened to your voice there? Sore throat all of a sudden or what? You sound like those weird guys without their actual voice yet so it's just weirdly in the middle. Like a manly woman!" I said half awake, dazedly , making up the image I just described in my head. Ew. Hikari looked confused. Did she not get my wonderful example?

"Who are you calling a woman?" yelled the same voice. We all turned our heads to find 3 normal students standing in a weird pose. 'They're standing like Power Rangers!' I giggled to myself. 'I'm so hilarious'

"Hey! it's you from this morning!" I said, waking up a little more and recognizing him. He looked shocked and collapsed, then got up quickly and cleared his throat.

"D-don't call us second place! Do you know who you are talking to?" he said before he snapped his fingers. The two other students quickly got up and started introducing him as if he were a genius that was the best at anything and he has the highest standing everything. When they were done, he stood there smirking like he dumbfounded us while we just stared blankly at him.

"'re the useless student council president that was hospitalized for being second!" I exclaimed blankly as I remembered the fragments of what Tadashi said earlier.

"And you somehow got your credits using money!" Tadashi added. 'So this guy was basically who I thought he would be.' He collapsed again.

"So, why are you here?" I asked boredly. I didn't really want to be around this guy.

"Do you not remember the truly insulting act you all performed this morning?"

"I remember, I poked you. It was all good intentions. I was seeing if you were alive. If you were unconscious, I would've called paramedics, but you weren't so I left you there. You can go now. Case closed. See ya." I said, wanting him to leave so I could carry on with my day of doing nothing. He ignored me as he told his boring story about how we were more popular than him when he thought everyone would be oh so excited to see the "dear student council president" again. Staring at Ryuu's chipmunk was SO much more interesting.

"Thus, I have brought companions who share the same ambitions to stand up against you all! We will crush S.A! I will drag down S.A. so I can be praised and receive attention! Now, I present a challenge to the S.A.!" he announced proudly.

"There's nothing to act proud about, useless council president. You're just Pathetic to try to use the power of the A class. You will never defeat us in anything, therefore, you will never get any place in the S.A. and you will never drag us down. You are greatly underestimating us so please go back to class okay?" I flashed a fake smile and hopes that leaves. Nope. "Oh boy here we go" I murmured to Kei as Hikari gets up. 'Can't she just decline a challenge for once?'

"We accept! Good luck you guys!" she said cheerfully "I love guys with courage!" the council president started blushing and looking elated. For some reason, this pissed me off even more.

Kei and I were doing everything we could NOT to vent on him. These people were pissing me the hell off. Can't this pathetic loser just leave and get on with his life? Drag down the S.A.? Please. He has no abilities and no sense of anything good so he should just leave us alone. The very thought of someone trying to hurt my S.A family made my blood boil. Kei threw his book at him and I threw one of Hikari's books. "You try to hurt us, then smile in our presence. How dare you" I spat.

"If you're willing to go that far," Kei whispered menacingly.

"WE won't mind accepting your challenge." Kei and I said together, a murderous aura surrounding us. He was going to pay for even thinking of hurting the S.A.

"R-right then w-we'll sort out the d-details another d-d-day" he stammered before he and his two followers scrambled away. We sat back down and I resumed sipping my tea.

"Then... we're having a challenge against the student council!" Hikari said smiling determinedly. I sweat dropped. 'Is that all this girl cares about?!?!?'

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