Chapter 10

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"Takishima! What is your command?!?!?" screamed Hikari.

"Be more quiet will you? It's too early in the morning" I said sleepily, feeling pissed off as I started to remember yesterday.

"B-but..." I clamped my hand over her mouth, not wanting to hear her stupid voice anymore.

"What are you even talking about anyways?" I asked, ignoring the fact that my hand was still clamped over a wriggling Hikari's mouth.

"They had a bet about yesterday's match. Whoever did the most moves wins. Winner gets to say one command." Ryuu explained.

"Oh, is that right? Since when have you become so knowledgable? Hikari, stop flailing your arms in my face, it's annoying." I said irritably, taking my hand off her face and wiping it somewhere behind me.

"Then tell Kei to give me the command!" she whined.

"Kei, hurry the hell up! This child will spill my tea!"

"Make me... a bento" he said absentmindedly, obviously ignoring my irritated self. The mood he created with his actions yesterday. I tried to make eye contact with Ryuu to get the message across but I just couldn't with Hikari in my face.

"Huh?" everyone said simultaneously, except me. Everyone didn't get it, but me. Why would Kei do this?

Everyone acted normally for the rest of the day except for Ryuu and I. Ryuu looked extra cautious for me and tried to keep Kei away from me and Hikari. Although it was useless, I appreciated the fact that he understood the situation enough to know the problem. Meanwhile, I was trying to solve the puzzle that is Kei. 'I know he wants a homemade meal just for him, but aren't Suzume and I enough for him? We cook for him all the time, so why does he want more? Does he really just want Hikari to care for him? Even so, whats the point of that? Besides, it's common knowledge that cooking is Hikari's all time weak point. Kei should at least know that.'

As Ryuu tried his hardest to keep Kei away from me, I still couldn't help but feel pissed off. Of course, Kei is "oblivious" to every single thing. More like he is purposely ignoring everything. He acted normally and tried to talk to me normally but I refused to put up another act for him. 'Stupid Kei breaks me knowingly, then expects me to just brush it off and act normally the very next day? No way. Not this time.'

"Akane, are you okay?" Jun asked, cutting off my trance.

"Yeah! Totally fine!" I replied with a smile so transparent I could feel it, unclenching the fist I had unknowingly on my lap. Both Jun and Megumi looked at me with a concerned smile before reluctantly returning to their conversation with Akira and Tadashi. 'Damn it Akane, get yourself together!'

Kei kept trying and trying to get me to act normally but I was too pissed off at him. The more he tried the more irritable I got. 'The fact that he looked straight at me and knew I was watching yesterday was infuriating. He knew I was watching both times he broke me. Twice in a day he broke me. On top of that, he brushes it off and doesn't even care about how I'm feeling about all this. It's too much.'

At one point in the day, I got so irritated I just left. The thing that hurt about even that was that he didn't try to stop me or ask about me or do anything at all. I don't even think he looked my way when I got up from my seat and started for home without a word. In fact, when I started walking away, he stopped being "normal" with me. He completely disregarded me and started talking and joking with Hikari! His whole plan was to make me leave! 'The nerve of that Jackass! Once I prove to Ryuu I'm right, this will all be over. I'm 800% done with Kei. The sooner I end this, the better...I hope.'

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