Chapter 1

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Alexandra's parents house above👆

Alexandra's P.O.V
I'm Alexandra Johnson. You may have heard of my family's name before. Yeah..we are very rich and blah blah but there's more to me then my followers and fam.

I have blue eyes that come from my mom. Black hair from god knows where and I'm five foot five. People think I'm snobby but I'm not. I'm actually a genuine person and give to people even though I'm focusing on my studies.

Today was a normal day. I had English in the morning and Spanish at the end of the day. Right now I'm in the second to last period Art. I hated art but loved it at the same time.

I follow each of my pencil lines with a black marker. I focus on that until I finish drawing the last line. I'm not an artist but I'm okay at it.

People were talking none stop to each other. Deep down I wish I had someone to talk to. Now you may be thinking Alexandra Johnson doesn't talk to anyone? I talk to a lot of people but they don't really know me personally.

I look around people wondering what there talking about. Then I notice a kid in black and white shirt in the corner. He looked concentrated and focused. He was coloring something on the paper.

He was the only one besides me not talking. He has brown hair and had green eyes from the side. He looked like a nerd from those cliche movies where the girl always falls for the nerd. Hm what cliche.

The bell rung intruding my thoughts or daze. I quickly pack up my bag and head to room 309. This high school was big. Kinda not surprising that a public high school in the middle of Dallas would be big.

"Hey Alexandra!" Lance yells from down the hallway. Lance where to we begin? He's a fuckboy who has the biggest ego to think I liked him. He strolls over my way to the lockers next door to me.

"Hey baby." He whispers in my ear coming up wrapping his arms around me. He really does think he's all that? You have got to be kidding me?

"Shut the fuck up Lance..and I'm not your baby." I scoff rolling my eyes moving away from his grip on me.

"I'll see you later baby." He says smiling at me not taking a hint, I'm not interested in him.

I walk into the Spanish room. Only  the kid with green eyes is sitting at a desk all by himself. He minded his own business. Two kids came up and laughed with him. Was it something he said made them laugh?

I took a seat far at the other side of the room waiting for class to start. I look back at the kids who were laughing with to notice they're laughing at him.
For some reason I wanted to say something and I did.

"What's so funny assholes?" I speak up putting my hands up giving them the evil eyes. They looked shocked to say the least. The boy in the black and white shirt did too as I was.

The two guys took a seat in the front row leaving him  alone for once. He was now reading a book leaning his head on the desk.

He looked happy..and at peace.
Thank you for reading.
I wanted you guys to get to know the characters before I get into the kinks and lovey stuff. So enjoy while it last.

Hint: it won't last long🤭

Reckless Love(Book 1) •Under Editing•Where stories live. Discover now