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She had pretty much disappeared

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She had pretty much disappeared. 

It was impressive really, that she had managed to leave such light footprints that I couldn't even see them. But also very, very, very frustrating. I had spent the last several months watching her, figuring her out, and I knew that she didn't want to be found, and I knew why. 

She put herself out there. Showed her emotions to me but as far as she knew I wasn't in there to see it. And then her brother shoves her emotions out for everyone to see and she's embarrassed. I get it. I would be too. Hell, I'm embarrassed for both of us. Everyone knows our shit now and we haven't even figured it out ourselves. 

That doesn't mean that I wanted her to run off. 

It's been two days since I started looking for her. Two days since we all stayed up all night fighting off demons, and werewolves, and other supernatural shit. Cas had been helping too of course, scouring the 'Angel Radio' as they call it, looking for anything that could resemble a prayer from her, but he couldn't find her, and he had apparently put these things on all the Winchester's ribs, that protected them from being found by angels and demons, so while that was nice I'm sure before, it was not helping now. 

I flinched as I stepped on yet another branch and a crack ripped through the air. I had been shit at walking through these woods quietly the past few days. My mind somewhere else, I hadn't been able to concentrate enough on not making noise and I had run into more than just a few unpleasant types out here because of it. Hopefully though, I wouldn't be out here much longer. 

The tracks I was following, had started out light as a feather, so light that I almost hadn't thought they were footprints, but as time went on they were getting clearer, like she was getting tired and less focused on hiding her tracks since she would of course assume that no one had found her trail, and now, two days into it, they were clear as day. It did look like she was running though, her stride stretched out more than normal, and most of her weight balanced on the balls of her feet, so I wouldn't be surprised if I had to walk a few more miles. 

I was right of course. 

It took me almost six more hours to catch up to where she was, but I did it, right before sundown I found where she was sleeping, a little house, a shack really, in the woods. 

It probably used to be a hunting cabin, maybe even used to run shine, but it had definitely seen better days. The door was barely hanging on its hinges, and there were cracks in the foundation, and gaps in-between the slabs of wood used as walls. 

There was a tree laying on the roof, looked like it might've gotten knocked down during a storm the past few months, but the roof hadn't caved in yet. 

I pulled my crossbow from my back and gripped it tight in my arms. I was almost a hundred percent positive those tracks were hers, but just in case I needed to be ready. I creeped up to the door, and shoved it open. 

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