An Unlikely Almost Savior

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November 23, 2008

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November 23, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

The Roof

It had stopped raining. But, the goop had washed off. We could do nothing but watch as the pair ran down the streets of Atlanta, trying desperately to get to the construction site so they could save us all.

"Come on, come on, come on." Morales was whispering from beside me, but everyone else was as silent as the grave. Fitting, considering if this fails we all will die.

Glenn and Rick were hitting the zombies with an axe and a crowbar, but they were barely making a pathway, let alone a dent in the swarm of dead converging on them. They were feet away from the gate, but the entrance was blocked by too many dead. The only way they could get through would be to go over it. Which leaves them at a disadvantage. The zombies can kill with a simple scratch. To kill a zombie, you have to be able to smash their skull. Kinda hard to do that when your back is turned and your pulling at least one-hundred and fifty pounds of body mass over a fence.

But... they did it. Somehow, I don't know, they scrambled up the fence before the zombies could reach them. But now they faced a different problem. Get the keys and get the truck started before they tear the fence down. I heard a few shots, but other than that, I felt very disconnected from everything that was happening down there. It's just too far away, and I couldn't hear anything Rick or Glenn were saying over the roar of the zombies.

Eventually, Glenn found the keys, tossed them to Rick and they got into the truck just as the zombies pushed the fence far enough for them to climb over. One zombie had just reached the truck, and one made it close enough to tap Glenn's window before the truck sped off. In the wrong direction.

"They're leaving us." Andrea said, pessimistically.

"What? What?" T-Dog cried, getting up from where he was sitting to come look.

"No, no, come back!" Andrea screamed, ignoring T-Dog as the truck made a turn and was out of sight.

"Where they going? Where they going?" Morales was saying, but all I could do was stare at my brothers, and resign myself to the fact that this was the end.

I was going to die today.

Sam wasn't even looking at me, he was staring at Ruby who was looking at the ground, almost like she was debating ditching her new body, and Dean! He was looking at me, but he wasn't. He was staring into space, like he was looking at something else. Focused on something else. Something like...

There he was. Castiel. In the flesh, standing right next to Dean, looking between Sam, Dean and I, and then over at, I'm sure, the shell-shocked group behind me.

"Cas!" I screeched, turning to do damage control before I could help myself, trying to think up an excuse for how this man can teleport. Like, oh, he was here the whole time, you didn't see him?

"What... what... just happened? Who is that? How'd he get up here?" Morales was squeaking, and Andrea was full out yelling in my ear.

"He just fucking appeared! What the fuck! Fuck! Who is he!" And Jacqui had fainted apparently, since T-Dog was yelling for help, and Merle was just staring. Wide-eyed at the stupid fucking angel.

"My name is Castiel. I am an angel of the Lord." Cas said, stepping forward to shake Andrea's hand like the polite man I had taught him to be, but honestly I just wanted to choke him.

"A what? Excuse me! What the fuck is going on!" Andrea was screaming, Cas looked confused, and I was glaring at Dean. Dean. The one who I have no doubt, called this stupid idiot of an angel. Just what we needed.

"Look Cas, we need a way out, the guys who were gonna get us out of here, they bailed so, can you like, snap your fingers and get us out of here?" Dean asked, and Cas nodded, but before he could 'snap his fingers' the tale-tell static came from the C.B.

"Those roll-up doors at the front of the store facing the street... meet us there and be ready." I sighed in relief. They made it.

"Thanks Cas, but it looks like your services won't be needed today. Come on guys! Let's go! Down the steps! Move, move, move!" I yelled, shuffling everyone out the small door, making sure that Morales and T-Dog had a good hold on the still passed out Jacqui, before I turned to look at Dumb and Dumber.

"Look Cas. Thanks for coming and creating a big fucking pile of shit. But we need to go. So, you can either come with us, or you can go back to wherever you came from. But we need to go. Now. Sam! Move. Ruby, either drop the body or go. Come on! Let's go!" They finally unfroze, and Sam ran by me first, dragging Ruby behind him, Merle followed after them, sharing a quick concerned look with me, and finally Dean went too.

"Do you want me to stay? Or go?" Cas asked, staring at me with those eyes that I used to love, but now...

"It's up to you. But it's not going to be like it was. Never again Cas. But I'm going. Follow if you want to." With that, I turned and left, and I didn't look back. 

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