Cop Off

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November 25, 2008

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

November 25, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

The Camp

Once I was thoroughly cried out, Merle walked me back down to camp, one arm wrapped firmly around my shoulders, and the other on the hilt of his knife. Probably just in case a zombie jumped out of the trees, but I doubted it. If nothing came out while I was sobbing like a banshee, then nothing would come out from the soft sounds of our feet on the ground. 

When we got back to camp, I was expecting to be able to go take a nap. What I wasn't expecting was for Shane and Rick to be arguing in the middle of camp. 

"Why do we need to go anywhere? Nothing's happened! This place has worked out pretty well so far." Shane was arguing, with a few of the campers that I hadn't met yet behind him, showing their support, while Rick had literally every single person I knew here standing behind him, including my brothers, Uncle Bobby, Daryl and Ruby, so that's the side that Merle and I automatically moved to. 

"What's going on?" I hissed to Dean when we got up behind Rick, but Rick's answering argument cut off whatever explanation Dean was going to give. 

"Nothing's happened yet. There was a walker in the camp yesterday. It was like two feet away from my son! Carl and Sophia could have died. There are no walls here, nothing to keep walkers from just walking right on in, besides a so-so look out that is only staffed half the time. It's not enough. I want somewhere safe for my family. This was fine before, but it's not anymore. The walkers are moving out of the city and when they get here it will be bloodshed. Most of these people have no idea how to defend themselves, and they will die. We can't protect everyone. We need to train, and we need protection, and neither of those things are happening here." And I got it. 

Rick wants us to leave before we're forced to, but Shane wants to wait for shit to hit the fan before we react. 

"We don't know that what's out there is any better than what we have right now. It makes no sense to leave now." Shane tried to argue, but it was weak, and it seemed like his supporters were starting to get that Shane wasn't fighting for them. He was fighting to fight, to show that he could be the leader. And he was obviously proving himself wrong. 

"I think Rick's right Shane. We shouldn't wait until the worst happens to leave. We should go now while we still have everyone." Lori said gently, and when Shane's eyes softened when he looked at her, I forced myself to hold in my snort, and elbowed Merle in the ribs gently as he was about to crack up too. 

"Don't be five." Dean hissed down at me, but I could see the smirk on his face too and the threat didn't seem too serious.

"Shane. Don't be stubborn, you know this is the right move. I... I want you to come with us, but..." Rick paused, and turned to face those of us that were standing behind him. 

"My family and I will be leaving in the morning, if you want to join us, feel free. We will accept any help you are willing to give. If you think your best shot is here with Shane, stay, I hope you're right. But we leave at sunrise." And then Rick stormed off, Shane's fierce glare pinned to his back, and I couldn't help but worry for Rick's safety. Shane seemed a little... unhinged. 

"Back to work!" Shane barked, and everyone slowly went back to what they were doing before, but there were a lot more glares thrown around, and everyone seemed hella tense, so when Daryl, Cas, Ruby and Sam turned around from where they were standing in front of Merle, Dean and I and saw Merle's arm still firmly wrapped around my shoulder, and my eyes were probably still red and puffy from crying, I totally was not expecting what came out of Sam's mouth. 

"So... what? You sleeping with Merle now?" Sam asked dryly, seeming not to care at all about what he just said, but Dean, Daryl, and Cas seemed to, since their eyes flicked between Merle, Sam and I in disgust, with open mouths ready to catch flies. 

"What? No! What the fuck Sam?" I asked, stepping forward to shove Sam in the chest and he didn't even stumble, but Merle's arm did fall off my shoulder and made everyone seem a lot more chill. 

"Sam. Come on man, he's like Dad's age. I mean... no, right Evie?" Dean asked slouched over a little bit like he was unsure, but at my nod he stood up straight again like I just rejuvenated his posture, and looked confident all over again. 

"Right, no." Dean concluded, and Same just rolled his eyes and walked off, his arm draped over Ruby's shoulder, and I wanted to stab her in the face as she winked at me over his shoulder, like she was suggesting that I was just covering up that Merle and I did do something in the woods, which is just... gross. 

When I turned to look at Cas and Daryl, Cas had a super weird look on his face, like he wanted to vomit but also kill someone, and Daryl looked just super uncomfortable. 

"Well... I mean... it's not that hard to believe right?" Merle asked, sounding a little hurt, and when I looked over at my shoulder at him, I could see that he was totally just messing around, so I decided to play along. 

"Yeah, I mean... how about we... go and hump one out now? Sounds fun." I said, shooting a wink at him so he would know I was kidding, but so no one else could see it. 

"What!" Dean roared, but we didn't give him, or the other two shell-shocked boys to do anything, as we darted off, hands linked together, to Merle and Daryl's tent, where I would finally get to have my fucking nap. 

"Dixon! I swear to god if you lay one finger on my sister I will fucking murder you!" Dean roared, chasing after us. 

All Daryl and Castiel could hear as the two siblings and Merle darted off across the camp was Evie's laughter ringing through the air, and even through the disgust, they couldn't hide the smile that sound brought out in both of them. 

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