Whispered Words

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A/N: Anyone that thinks that this man, this freaking beautiful man, is not ridiculously attractive, is freaking blind. 'Nuff said. 

November 28, 2008

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November 28, 2008

Senoia, Georgia

Greene Farm

I was supposed to be on watch. 

Well, I guess I kinda was on watch, I just wasn't watching the right thing. 

I was supposed to be watching the fields, making sure no walkers came up on the group while we were all spread out. I had been stationed up on the RV for about three hours now with Dale's rifle in hand, and I don't think I've looked at the field once. My eyes have been glued to her. 

She's been working. Pretty much everyone has except for Carol, Lori, Andrea and the kids, and Sam, but that's not really anything new. But she was out with Hershel, Otis, Bobby, Rick, and Dean who were all trying to move the cows into a different field than the one they had been in since we got here yesterday. Something about needing to let the grass grow. I don't know, I'm not a damn farmer. 

But damn, was she beautiful. 

Maggie, one of Hershel's girls, let the women take showers up in the house this morning, and I guess she gave her some new clothes too, but she was wearing some tight ass jeans, a huge flannel, that looked like it had to have belonged to Otis, cowboy boots that looked real worn in that had to have been Maggie's because Evie doesn't look like the kind of girl to have cowboy boots, and she even had a damn cowboy hat on. Also, probably Maggie's. 

It wasn't something I ever imagined seeing her in, she looked more like a black jeans, leather jacket type girl, but honestly, it worked for her. She was damn fine. And everyone knew it. Merle's eyes hadn't left her either, and when Cas was alive he was always staring after her. 

Speaking of, Merle buried Castiel's body early this morning, wanted to get it out of the back of the truck before Evie saw it this morning. She did anyway, walked over when he was digging the hole and freaked out. Screamed about how we couldn't bury him. But... we had to, it was that or burn him, we couldn't just leave a dead body lying around. 

I forced myself to take a glance around the field, and was relieved to see that everyone was still doing fine. 

Maggie and Beth, the younger daughter of Hershel, were doing something in the stables with the horses, with a boy's help. Otis said it when we got here, but it didn't seem all that important. 

Dale was working with Merle and Bobby on fixing up some of the cars, to make sure they'd still run when we eventually had to leave, T-Dog was up in the house with Patricia, making sure he didn't collapse form the heat and from being sick. 

And the others, Andrea, Carol, Sam, Lori and the kids, were sitting below me, around the fire, literally doin' nothing. 

"Sam! Why don't you get your ass up and come help?" I almost jumped when her voice rang out from the other side of the RV. She had snuck up on us, and meandered her way around the RV to get to Sam from where the cows were. She must have come up to get something, cause the others were still out there and she doesn't seem like one to quit early. 

I watched as Sam moved his gaze form the fire, to glare at her. She was standing in front of him, but out of reach in case he decided to attack her again. I shifted uncomfortably, grabbing my crossbow on instinct as I eyed the bruises around her neck. He was looking at them too, but he didn't seem too sorry about it. 

"How about you piss off?" Sam growled, and it almost looked like his eyes flickered to black. Evie stumbled back a few steps, her face no longer twisted with determination, now it was covered in fear. 

"Sam... what happened to you?" I barely heard her mumble, but Sam wasn't having it. He jerked out of his chair, and I almost leaped out of mine. 

"Hey!" I yelled, stopping him in his tracks, he was a step away from Evie, and the look in his eyes as he stared down at her... shit. I don't think I've ever seen someone look at another person that way. His eyes moved up to me, and they were black as coal. Not just the normal colored part of his eye either. His entire eye, even the part that was normally white, had been blacked out. 

"Leave her alone." I growled, raising up my crossbow, and aiming it at him. I wasn't gonna shoot him, unless he made me. 

He didn't make me. It almost sounded like he growled, before storming off towards one of the fields, I didn't bother to look and see which. I swung my crossbow onto my back and climbed down before Evie seemed to calm down. She still looked pretty freaked out, and she hadn't moved an inch, but at least she didn't seem entirely paralyzed anymore. 

"You a'right?" I grumbled, looking down at her. Her eyes jumped up to meet mine, away from where they had been locked on my chest. She nodded, once, and hesitated before nodding again, about three times, faster than I could really see, and when she squeezed her eyes shut I knew she made her head hurt by doing that. I almost wanted to laugh, but I held it in. 

I glanced around, and noticed that all the lazies were staring at us, so I wrapped my hand around her forearm and dragged her around the RV so they couldn't see or hear whatever she wanted to say. 

"What was that?" I asked, when we were finally alone, but all she did is shrug.

"I don't know. He's never... I've never seem him act like that before." She mumbled, staring at my hand that was still latched onto her arm. I yanked away like she was on fire, and almost blushed at acting that way, but forced myself to chill out. This wasn't the time. 

"He ever hurt you?" I asked softly, stooping down a little to motion toward the hand prints around her neck. Her face flamed, almost like she was ashamed... of herself, or him I don't know. She shook her head again. 

"Not before yesterday. He's been different since he... since he met Ruby." I nodded, not really getting it, but figuring if she wanted to explain it to me she would, and it didn't seem like she wanted to. 

"So uh... you hungover from last night?" She asked, and when she looked at me it was like she was anticipating something, but when I just nodded, it seemed like that light in her eyes died a little. 

"Uh... you?" I asked, trying to bring the light back, but I guess I screwed something up, who knows what, because it didn't come back. 

"Yeah. See you later Dixon." She grumbled, and walked away, but it felt more like a storm off to me. Her shoulders were all tense, and I could almost pretend that she could breathe fire. I knew what she wanted, but I don't know how she expected me to say that to her when I wasn't shit-faced drunk. I mean, it's not something you just say to a woman. 

Well, maybe it is. But I've never been the kind. 

Never had the inclination really. 

And I'm not a pussy. Merle is all the family I'll ever need, and this girl, she's not gonna change that. So yeah. I can say it. But it doesn't mean a damn thing. 

"You're beautiful." I mumbled, just to see how it felt, but she didn't hear it, and the tiny amount of courage I had built was ripped away into the wind, and I knew I would never be able to say it to her face. No matter how much I may want to. 

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