P. P. Cowboy

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November 23, 2008

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November 23, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

The Impala

I frantically looked to the left and the right, trying to see if there was any form of escape from the crazy Pied Piper Cowboy, but to the left was another large herd that was converging from the main one we were facing, and to the right was a tank, and another herd not very far past it.

"Dean! Go for the tank!" I screamed, pointing to the right so he could see it, since he was still frozen, staring at the man who was screaming at us for help.

"Right. Ruby, Sam, move over. We're gonna grab him." Dean said, rolling his window down while he spoke.

"Get in the back! Run!" Dean screamed at the man, and I could hear Ruby hit the lock and then frantically scoot into the middle, but I was watching the scene in front of us. Dean was slowly edging the car towards the tank, trying to keep ahead of the herd. The man was leaping off the horse, abandoning it to the hands of the dead who were already latched onto its leg. He sprinted in our direction, and when he was close, Ruby leaned over to open the door for him.

He launched himself into the seat, half landing on Ruby, but Dean didn't wait for him to get comfortable. He floored it, heading the maybe fifty feet to the tank, and he got the right side of the car as close as he could before he slammed it into park.

"Out the right! Go! Go!" Dean yelled, shoving me slightly when I took longer than he wanted to open the door, but moments later I was out in the air. I glanced around, and while the zombies where we had been were momentarily distracted by the horse, the ones on the other side of the tank were hastily moving towards us.

"In the tank! Let's go!" I yelled, clambering up the top of it. I glanced back once to make sure everyone was following, and they were. Ruby was right behind me, with the P.P. Cowboy following her, and Sam and Dean taking up the rear.

I reached the top moments later, and it only took a second to get the hatch open, they must not have closed it properly, and then I launched myself down into the hole, hoping that there weren't any zombies in here.

I took a quick stock, but only saw one dead soldier. Not wanted to risk it, I moved over and stabbed him in the head with my knife for good measure, and then moved as far away from the hole as possible so everyone else could get in.

Ruby climbed down next, looking sweaty and like she was going to puke, P.P. Cowboy practically fell in, looking very dazed and confused, and it wasn't until that moment that I noticed that the outfit he was wearing wasn't a cowboy suit. It was a fucking sheriff's uniform. Fucking great.

Sam and Dean hopped through next, Dean pulled the hatch closed behind him, and actually took the time to correctly lock it.

"Evie! It's clear?" Dean called over to where I was sitting in the back corner, as he frantically looked around at the tiny metal coffin we were all now trapped in.

"Yeah. Just the one soldier, and I got him just in case."

"Good." Dean said, pulling out his knife, and holding it, for no other reason, I suppose, then that he was nervous.

"What the hell is going on? Why were there so many of them?" Sheriff asked, dazedly staring around at us.

"Well, dipshit, it's called a herd. What the fuck were you doing riding a horse into the middle of the city?" I growled out, awkwardly adjusting my legs so that I wasn't crouching uncomfortably, and they were instead spread out in front of practically everyone, taking up the last space available. But I'm the Princess so who fucking cares?

"I'm trying to find my family..." He trailed off, staring around at all of us in confusion.

"Well nice job fucktard. You managed to get three huge herds into one fucking giant one. Nice. Spectacular. Do you realize how long we are going to have to sit in here before they move on? Days man! I mean, doesn't help that you brought them a meal either."

"What? We're just gonna sit here?" Sheriff asked, annoyance seeping into his voice while he glared at me, letting his rage over my nicknames for him cloud his judgement.

"Yes. What? You think you can take... what do you think Sam? A thousand?" Sam smirked at me and shook his head.

"Nah, probably two."

"Okay then, you think you can take two thousand zombies trying to eat you... by yourself? You must've been one hell of a Sheriff, Sheriff." Sheriff scowled at me, and decided to look us over once again, probably just now realizing we look a lot like some people that have been on the wanted list a few times these past few years.

"Do I know you?" I sucked my cheeks in, glancing over at Dean whose hand was tightening drastically on his knife.

"No. Names Evie, these are my brothers Sam and Dean. And that's Ruby." I hissed, glaring at the woman who just shot me a smirk and blew me a kiss.

"I'm Sam's friend. These two don't like me much." Ruby said with a sadistic grin towards the Sheriff.

"Well... it's nice to meet you. Names Rick. Rick Grimes. I was the Sheriff's Deputy in King's County. Where are y'all from?" Rick asked politely, as we tried to ignore the banging on the sides of the tank, which was probably just drawing more of them to us.

"Well... everywhere really. We don't stick to one place. We were born in Lawrence, Kansas. But we're going up to get our Uncle Bobby from South Dakota." Rick looked mildly surprised at the revealing of this information, and Dean looked pissed, but I mean... what could he do with it? Can't steal our identity or look into who we are or anything. None of that shit matters anymore.

"Well you've got a long drive."

"Tell me about it. It's taken us two weeks to get here from Florida!" I whined, glaring over at Dean who just smirked at me.

Before we could say anything else, there was this sound... like static coming from behind Rick's head, and then... words.

"Hey, you. Dumb asses. Hey, ya'll in the tank. Cozy in there?" 

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