chapter 26

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It's been a week since I started to check my medicine on humans. Thankfully, there's no any side effects. But, I've to wait for almost three months. I hope the results will be good.

I'm living a happy life with my baby. Seriously, I was shocked that Yoongi was quite. I can't trust him. Maybe, he's planning for something else. I don't care about it as long as my baby is safe with me. I'll protect him with my life. Well, I've Jungkook, who's savior for my baby.

Jungkook and Hoseok almost spend 90% of the day together. While I only spend the balance 10% by sleeping with him. I hate it but I can't do anything against them just because I'm jealous. I'll try to control it. I don't wanna separate my baby from anyone if that makes him sad.

Jimin discharged his father and appointed him in my hospital. I forced him to do this. His father has improved a lot. Soon, I'm gonna send him back to home. Jimin stayed in his home and took care of the cafe. My baby also works with him and sometimes he stay with him, which I hate more.

My baby ran to me and sat on my lap. I laughed and kissed his cheeks.

"Baby, are you tired?"

He nods his head while yawning cutely.

"Daddy, let's go to home. I'm so tired after playing with the kids."

I smiled and took him to the car. I told kook to drive and sat in the back seat.

"Seokie, come front. Let tae rest."

My baby left my hand and ran to sit next to Jungkook. It's okay, he's my best friend. I can't kill him. I sighed and watched them. They're talking and smiling. Suddenly, my baby started to cough.

I frowned. I know he's not sick. I gave him a water bottle. But, he coughed without stopping. I gave him the tissue.

"Baby, what happened?"

He took the tissue and covered his mouth.

"I don't know daddy. Suddenly, I started to cough. My stomach hurts."

I frowned and turned to Jungkook.

"Kook, go back to the hospital. I wanna check him."

Hoseok stoped me, "daddy, I'm fine. Let's go to home. Please...."

No, he's not fine. I'm not feeling good. I felt uneasy. I opened the door and went to Hoseok. I pulled him out and made him to sit with me. I hugged him closer and told kook to start driving.

My baby laughed at me, "daddy, why are you behaving like a child? Look, I'm totally fine."

'I don't know what's happening to me Hoseok, but I'm scared.'

We went back to our home . I carried my baby since he fell asleep. I placed him on the bed and went to take a hot shower. Sometimes, having a hot shower ease my raging mind. I rinsed my hair and took the shampoo. I stopped when I felt a small hands wrapped around my waist. I smiled and turned him to me.

He giggled, "daddy, you're making me wet."

I smirked and leaned closer to him, "I really wanna make you wet."

He gasped and hit my chest, "you dirty, leave me."

I snaked my arms around his waist and pulled him closer.

"Am I dirty? Then, wash me."

He frowned and slapped my cheeks, "daddy, that's not funny. Why did you made me to shower with you?"

I laughed and removed his clothes.

"Because, you're dirty."

"No, I'm not."

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