chapter 10

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Taehyung's p.o.v:

I heard someone knocking my door.

"Yes, come in."

Dr. Jin came inside with some files. He smiled at me and gave the files. I started to check the files.

"Dr. That patient came yesterday by himself."

I looked at him.

"Which patient?"

"Marcus, patient no: 103. Maybe he don't know where to go."

"He always doing that. Running away and coming back. Who are his guardian? Tell them to come and fetch him."

"Okay, Dr. I'll check his details." He said and left before talking with pouting Hoseok.

"Hoseokie, aren't you going to come?"

"Nuh huh...." he said with a big pout.

"Why? Children's are waiting for you to come and play with them."

He looked at me, I glared.

He pouts, "I'm not coming Dr.jinie. "

Seokjin ruffled his hair and left the room. I started to read some patients file.


"Hmm.." I kept on reading.

He came to me and stood next to me.

"Taetae~~ please, I don't like it. Remove it tae.." he whined.

I looked at his glaring face.


I saw two snowy butt instead of his doe eyes.

"Hoseok, what the hell?" I stood up immediately.

He turned his head back and looked at my sleepily. His ass was still displayed to me.

"Why are shouting in the morning, buffalo?" He asked annoyed.

WTH? I threw a blanket on his body and covered his ass. He immediately kicked it.

"Tae~~~ it's hot. Stop disturbing me and prepare breakfast for me. I'm hwngwy...." he said and slept with his legs wide.

I've to wash my eyes. Now, I can see his soft dick. What? A DICK..

I immediately scooped him and carried him to his bedroom.

"Tae, put me down. Rape ! Rape! Ra...hmmphh.," I closed his mouth with my hands and dropped him down.

" ass hurts, you monster."

"Go and dress properly after taking shower."

I left his room. He's still cursing me. I went to my room and took a bath. I dressed and started to cook some simple breakfast . I heard a running sound. He's ready, I smiled.

I plate the dishes and looked at him with a smile when I heard his giggling.

My smile dropped when I saw him.
He came and sat on the chair. He opens his mouth to get feed.

I glared at him,"Hoseok, why didn't you dressed up?"

He closed his open mouth, "daddy, you put me down on the floor harshly. My butt got hurt. So, I wanna apply some cream."

I sighed and went to my room. He also followed me while skipping. I took the cream and turned.

"Hoseok, what are you doing?"

He's lying on my bed with his stomach and showing his cute and softy, just his butt. He's really teasing me. What kind of dangerous game is this?

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