chapter 22

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Taehyung hugged Hoseok as soon as the other ran to him. He kissed his cheeks.

"Baby, did he do anything to you?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "daddy, no one can do anything to your baby. I'm stronger. I burnt the papers." He said happily.

Jimin was still trying to process what's going on. "What's happening?"

They all went back to taehyung home. Hoseok told everything to Jimin. Jimin started to tear up. He pulled Hoseok for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry seokie. It's all because of me. I tried to fulfill your needs. But, I can't. I'm sorry for getting you in trouble."

Jungkook frowned, "Jimin, he's the one should say sorry. You worked hard for him and your father. But, he got you in trouble."

Jimin glared at Jungkook, "don't talk bad about my seokie. You know nothing about him. You thought he'd do something like this for fun. He wanted to help me."

Hoseok was sobbing while clutching Jimin. Jungkook word's hurt him. He know what he did was wrong. But, he really wanted to help Jimin who sacrificed his whole life for his father and Hoseok. But, he chooses the wrong way.

Taehyung watched everything. He's still worrying about his project. But, Hoseok crying face made him to worry a lot. He approached him.

Jungkook sighed, " I know he wants to help you. But, why he have to act like he likes us. I felt betrayed. I really like him. I felt hurt. I'm sorry. We've to find taehyung's project."

Taehyung pulled Hoseok to himself and calmed him. He kissed the other's head.

Jimin stood up, "we'll help you. I already worked in his night club. We can get some help from the manager."

"Nice idea. What we have to do?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin smirked, "well, Hoseok can do that. He knows how to seduce."

Taehyung hugged Hoseok closer and glared at them. He shakes his head.

"I'll never allow him to do anything like that. He'll get in trouble."

Jungkook sighed, "tae, did you forget about your project? You wanna help others or not?"

Hoseok broke the hug and looked at taehyung.

"Daddy, I can do that. I've to solve this problem which was started by me."

Taehyung shakes his head, "no, I don't trust Yoongi. We can call police. We'll show them the footage where Marcus took a pen drive from you."

Jungkook frowned, "tae, Yoongi will definitely do something and escape."

Taehyung p.o.v:

No, I won't send my baby to that monster. He'd definitely do something bad to him.

"Enough, Jungkook. I'll talk with one of my friend who's a police commissioner. He'll help us. Now, if you don't mind."

I carried Hoseok to my room and closed the door. I laid him on the bed. He grabs my hand.

"Daddy, don't leave me."

I smiled and stroked his head, "baby, I'll bring you some foods. Wait here."

Hoseok shakes his head, "no, I'll come with you. Take me too."

I sighed and kissed his lips. His cheeks were red. I love when he blush.

"Stay here. I'll come soon."

I left the room and saw Jimin and Jungkook was cooking dinner. I smiled and helped them.

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