chapter 8

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Under editing ..

Taehyung wakes up with a struggle. Hoseok was basically lying on his top. He turned him and placed on the bed. He stood immediately and went to his bathroom. After showering, he called his hospital and told he won't come today also. He decided to take Hoseok out. He want to spend sometime with him. ALONE.

He went to the kitchen and made French toast and omlet. He took the food to his bedroom. He saw his baby was still sleeping with open mouth. Little snores were heard. He laughed and sat next to him. He slowly stroked the other's messy hair. Hoseok immediately pushed his hands away and turned.

"Few more mins, Minie." He mumbled.

'Who the hell is this minie? I know only His friend, mickey. He's always thinking about everyone except me.' Taehyung pouts and shakes the other's shoulder.

Hoseok throws the pillow at his face. Taehyung specs flew to another planet. He rubbed his eyes and sighed.  He stood next to him. He don't want to get attacked again.

"Hoseok, kid, wake up."

Hoseok opened his eyes immediately and smiled.


Taehyung smile fell down when he heard the other stops calling him daddy in a midway. He didn't showed it and changed his face into serious .

"Here, I placed the food on the table. Go and brush your teeth. And, get ready, we're leaving soon."

Hoseok was still in his sleepy state. He nods to everything and lied again after taehyung left. Taehyung went to the living room and called Jungkook. He talked for a bit and hangs it. He went to his room again and sighed when he saw the other was still sleeping soundly. He smiled and waited for the other to wake up.

Taehyung was really upset. Its 1p.m. , the boy was still sleeping like a sloth. He tried to wake up, but the other karate kicked him. His plan of taking the other out was canceled. He had lunch alone and read the reports in his laptop. He went to his research lab to continue his ongoing research.

Hoseok wakes up at 2p.m. he saw his breakfast which was dried and cold. He went to his bathroom and took a shower. He wore a socks and a baggy shirt which covered his thighs. He wore a cute boxer inside. His spring hair bounced to his every step. He started to search his daddy everywhere.

"Tae ~~~~"

"Where are you?"

"I'm gonna catch you.....hehehe." he imitates the horror movie dialogue and giggled.

But, he didn't found him. The door was also locked. He started to cry.


He sat on the sofa. "Where did he left? Is this some kind of punishment? I'll call gukie."

He searched his mobile . He don't know where he kept it.

Taehyung was really immersed in his research. He almost forget about everything. He started to check the results. He rechecked the process and data. There's still something is lacking. He kept on reading the book again and again. Suddenly, he heard a glass breaking sound. He ran to the place.

Hoseok was lying there by his stomach. He raised his tear stained face to taehyung. He smiled as soon as he saw his daddy. He made grabby hands.


Taehyung ran to him and took the chemical bottle the other broke. Instead of helping the other, he took the broken bottle pieces. He sighed and massaged his temple. His 2 years hard work crushed right in front of Him. He saw the boy. His anger raised high.

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