chapter 16

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Taehyung immediately took his car and drives to Jimin's home.

Jimin pulled Hoseok for a hug. They both went inside. Jimin took the others luggage and placed it inside. He gave Hoseok a water.

"First, calm down."

Hoseok drinks the water and placed the empty cup on the table.

"Now, tell."

"Minie, he told me I'm a thief and suspected me for stealing something."

Jimin gasped, "why did he said that?"

"Minie, he knows about my stealing habit. I think he used someone to collect information about me. He blamed me for something he lost."

Jimin hugged the crying boy. He gave his packed lunch for Hoseok to eat.

"Baby, I'm leaving. Do you want me to stay?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "it's okay, minie. I'll be safe. I won't make any trouble."

Jimin kissed his lips and left. Hoseok ate the food and washed the vessels. He changed his outfit and tried to cook lunch for Jimin since he ate his. His door bell rang. He rushed to the door and opened it.

"Did you forget anything .......taehyung?"

Taehyung pulled Hoseok for a hug. He hugged him tightly and buried his nose on the others crook.

"I'm sorry. Please, come back."

Hoseok breaks the hug and shakes his head, "I don't want to come again. I'm sorry for causing you a trouble. I'll never disturb you again."

He said and closed the door. Taehyung banged the door continuously.

"Hosoek baby, I'm sorry. I don't even know why I reacted like that. Please, baby, let me in."

Hoseok went to his room and locked the door. He puts a headphone on his ears and played a song in high volume.

Taehyung was still banging the door.

"Hello, young man, are you gonna break my home? They didn't even paid the rent."

The house owner asked taehyung. He immediately left the home after paying the rent. He went straight to his hospital since he got an emergency call.

"Where's he? Did he went there?"

Jungkook approached him as soon as he enters the hospital.

"He's safe. He's there. He don't want to come back. He just closed the door on my face."

Taehyung started to tear up. Jungkook immediately dragged him to the room and locked the door. He never saw taehyung was crying this much. He realised how much taehyung loves Hoseok.

Within an hour, taehyung calmed down and went back to his cold mode. He started to became a robot. Jungkook worried about him a lot. He called Jimin and asked about Hoseok.

It's been a week since Hoseok went to his home. Taehyung was living his life like how he lived before but without his heart. He didn't smiled or talked to anyone. He just checks the report and treats the patient. He always go to Hoseok's home, just to see the others angry face. He only smiled in his sleep when he dream about Hoseok.

Jungkook started to live the same boring life. He missed the cute boy's cute noises and laughing sound which filled their home. But, now, their house also dead. He goes daily to their home and spent some time with Hoseok and Jimin, unlike taehyung.

Hoseok packed a lunch for Jimin and went to the cafe. He went straight to the staff's room but the other was not there. He placed the lunch box and searched him. He heard some muffled noise from their owner's room. He peaked through the glass window and saw the cafe owner was kissing Jimin. He immediately banged the door.

My cute little thief  (Vhope)(completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang