What am I going to do

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Now trying harder to get out of his grasp i answer, "No, i don't! Stop touching me!" He only laughed slightly as he kissed my neck. By then i was done with him and kneed him in the crotch to get free. I backed away from him as he spoke angrily,

"If you don't date me... I'm going to fight you for custody over Beatrice!" He yelled as he got into his car, "I'll give you a week to decide her fate."

Once he drove off i collapsed onto the gravel floor and burst out with tears. I could not believe Caleb. He was going to take the most precious thing from me if I didn't agree to be with him. I was devastated, my world would come crashing down if he was to take Beatrice.

Hunter soon came running out as soon as Caleb's car left and crouched in front of me, brushing the fair out of my face and grabbed by face gently by the sides. 

"Are you alright?" He looked really concerned as he wiped tears of my hot cheeks. 

"No... He, gonna- ...Beatrice, he wants her-" I spoke with choked words as more tears streamed down.

"We won't let that happen" He said as he pulled me into a hug, his voice quavered slightly but he kept calm "Everything will be alright, I'll make sure of it"

I nodded as I held onto him tightly, he stroked my hair trying to comfort me. After what seemed to be an hour, my mother came out with Chris and Beatrice. As soon as Bee came close enough for be to touch her, I pulled her into a tight hug. She was so confused but hugged back even tighter,

"Mamma okay?" Her small voice said as she looked at my face, pushing my hair back with her chubby toddler fingers. I smiled the best i could and nodded. I didn't want her to worry about me or think I'm not okay. 

"Yeah, I'm fine Bee" My voice shook softly as she smiled back. I stood up with her in my arms. I walked all the way to my room and sat on the bed with her, "Can you sleep with Mommy tonight?"

I wanted her as close to me as possible, I didn't want to loose any time with her now that she might not be here. She happily agreed and thought that it was exciting because she loved sleeping with us. I smiled back as I put her down next to me on the bed. I could hear Hunter explaining the situation to Chris and my Mom. It was hard to listen to so i closed the door. 

"Bee, would you be happy if I wasn't in your life?" I asked her as she happily walked on the bed, over to the pillows where she pulled the blankets up and crawled under. She answered quick and settled some unease.

"No, I want mamma" Her words settled some unease and I felt a bit more comforted. I changed to a big, oversized pink t-shirt and comfy pajama shorts and crawled into bed next to her. She cuddled close to me after she took the TV remote off the bed, asking if we could watch a show which I agreed too. She quickly fell asleep and got into a position that looked so uncomfortable but she looked otherwise. I could not fall asleep for the longest time, this has been the craziest day of my life; Chris and Josie were dating and didn't tell me, My ex still loves me, and he threatened to take Beatrice away. I didn't think I'd be able to sleep, but once Hunter came in and came into bed on my side to snuggle me, I felt a bit safer. 

"What are we going to do...?"

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