Snuggles and pineapples

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Hunter went to his room to shower. I go and get dressed. I wore a sweatshirt meant for nursing and hid my baby belly and sweatpants. It was all light grey.

Soon I hear the door bell ring so I go and answer it with Beatrice in my arms and a dog at my heels. At the door are my friends Josie and Brea holding a basket of crackers, meat and cheese tray, and sparkling grape juice.

"Hey! Mind if we come in?" I could smell all of the food and it smelled amazing,
"Of course, as long as I get to eat some." I say eyeing the basket. They walked in and went to my living room where we talked about my birth experience. They didn't stay long at the hospital so that's why they came today. I put Beatrice in a cradle 'n swing while I ate.
"Did you get any rips or tears?" Brea asks while putting meat and cheese on her cracker.
"I only got 4 rips. They doctor said it's not that bad!" I fill my plate with a bunch of food. Hunter comes down the stairs with his hair dripping wet.
"Hey girls!" He waved to my friends as he knelt down to kiss my cheek but stole some food off my plate,
"Hey! That's mine!" We all laughed as I half tackled him which was useless because he ate the meat.
"I'm going to be gone, I'll be with Isaac and Ethan if you need anything!" He walked out the door as we kept talking.

Beatrice started crying just as we were finishing up the food. Josie picked her up and rocked her back and forth until she stopped crying. Beatrice just stared up at her with her icy blue eyes.

"I think she likes you Josie!" I say while putting a hand on her soft almost hairless head,
"You could babysit once she's old enough." I say half joking.
"I would love that!" She replies while kissing her nose, Beatrice closed her eyes shut as she did so, opening them as her Josie's lips left her.

Hunter came back an hour later. I had just fed Beatrice before handing her over to Brea. Hunter sat down next to me, I leaned my head against his shoulder, my eyes started to shut. I felt Hunter put his head on mine, his breathing slowed as my eyes shut and everything went dark.

 I felt Hunter put his head on mine, his breathing slowed as my eyes shut and everything went dark

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I woke up with Hunter holding my close by the waist. He was softly snoring; hardly noticable. I rub the sleep from my eyes, Beatrice is in her cradle 'n swing sleeping soundly.

I turn slightly so I could sit up to watch TV. It was getting dark when Hunter stirred from sleep. He smiled at me as our eyes met,
"Hey" he said his voice was thicker.
"Hey" I say back.
"What time is it?" He looks outside and sees the sun setting.
"8:45, I can order pizza!" I go onto my phone and look up Domino's.
"That sounds amazing!" He kisses my cheek.
"What type of pizza do you want?" I ask while making the pizza,
"I like pineapple on my pizza..."

"Who puts pineapple on pizza?!" He looks at me like I was brainwashed.
"I do and so does Caroline!" I laugh.
"That's just wrong, only meat is meant for pizza!" He laughs with me. Felicity and Caroline come running in,
"I heard pineapple pizza! Are we getting pizza?!" Caroline yells excitedly.
"Yes we are, ask mom what she wants!" I say.

We got a large pineapple pizza, a large all-meat pizza and a medium cheese. While we waited Hunter picked up Beatrice and held her, he treated her as his own...

Hey guys! I'm back!!! Sorry for such a long break, I went on spring break and I had to catch up with school work!

If you are wondering, I do like Pineapple pizza! (No making fun of me!)

God bless you!!

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