First appointment...

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I run up to my room crying, Josie on my tail. I plop onto my bed tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Are you okay? What happened?"
"No, I'm not! Caleb broke up with me!" I blurted out soon being comforted by Josie, "He was going to break up with me two days ago, before he knew about our baby! Why did I have to be pregnant!?" Josie sits there with me for who knows how long.

I start to calm down as my mom comes in with a big box.
"Hey sweetie! Are you okay? Caleb is downstairs asking for you..."
"I'm a little better. Tell Caleb to come by later, I don't want to see him right now." Josie heads downstairs to tell him.
"Here, open this! It's from your whole family, they all bought something special in it for you" My mom hands me the box, I open it and inside is a few gifts; A $100 gift card for maternity clothes, A book about pregnancy, A footprint charm, and A soft, fuzzy blanket, a book of baby names, a back massager and a card saying the pregnancy pillow is on its way.
"Thank you Mom!" I hug her.
"Oh, we also have a doctor appointment today at 12." Josie peaks her head into the room,
"I have to go! Bye! Congratulations!" I say my goodbye and she leaves.

I missed breakfast so I went downstairs and made myself yogurt with honey and granola. Caroline and Felicity come into the kitchen holding their new dolls up to show me,
"This one is named, Lily!", Caroline holds up a doll with brown hair,
"And this one is Stacy", Felicity displays her doll who has red hair.

"What cool dolls!" I say looking at both of the dolls.

They wander off while playing with their dolls. I finish eating, it's almost time to go so I grab my phone and wallet. I put on my coat and head to the car. I hop in and we drive to the Hospital for my appointment.

"Are you nervous?" My mom asks me when we sit in the waiting room.
"Yeah, a little!"
"Evelyn Springs!" The nurse calls us over,
"That's us!" My mom gets up and I follow,
"Hello, I'm Marion. I'll be you nurse today." We shake hands as she leads us through the winding halls.

We get to the room and she draws my blood, checks my weight, asks me to urinate in a cup, and more. She leaves for awhile.
"You okay?"
"Yep, this doesn't seem to bad."
The nurse comes in with a clipboard,
"Hello! We have learned that you are 8 weeks pregnant so we are going to do an ultrasound."
I'm taken to a different room and I lay down. The doctor comes in,
"Hello, I'm doctor Garrison. I'll be doing the ultrasound."
He explains what he's about to do, then puts the transducer on my stomach.
I can hear a small heartbeat, it sounds like waves. I look over. It's still hard to see anything but I do see a small figure.
My mom places a hand on mine. We both have teary eyes.
"Looks heathy!" He gives us all these instructions, "You can leave when you're ready." He hands us a folder of the first pictures they took...

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