Cooking up a storm!

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I watch them talk through the window. My dad glances over his shoulder at me and smiles. They walk back in. I stand and hug my dad. We both are crying.
"I love you sweetie!" He whispers.
We finish eating and head to the store for a few things for Christmas dinner.

Once we get home, I help my mom with dinner while talking,
"Is Caleb the dad?", My mom's asking all these questions,
"Yes, I told him yesterday!"
"That's good, how are you feeling about this?" She stops chopping the onion.
"Honestly mom, I'm really excited but I'm also nervous..." My eyes are pricked with tears, maybe it's the onion, "I'm also scared, depressed, but overall happy!" That's when Felicity comes in and asked,
"Mom can I help with the cookies?"
"Sure honey!" She looks back up at me with a comporting gaze. Felicity is already in her apron and bouncing up and down.

A loud 'Ding-Dong' filled the house, at 3:26 p.m. "Evelyn, why don't you go answer the door." My mom says while measuring the flour.
I walk to the door and open it. My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are there.
"Hi!" I smile, gesturing them to come in, I take the bag of pies from my grandparents and bring them the kitchen!
"Mom, grandma Kara brought pies! She makes the best tasting pies!" I set them on the counter taking out four pies, Apple, Strawberry and rhubarb, lemon meringue and cherry. "They smell so good!"

I go to greet all of my family members! Grandma Kara and Diane, Grandpa David and Damian, My aunt Anne, my uncles Pierce and Derek. Sara, Pierces wife. Jonah, Tracy, and Hellen, their three kids. Jonah's 11, Tracy's 7 and Hellen is 5.

Anne and Sara go help my mom cook, while the kids go tackle Chris in the barn. My uncles talk with my dad as my grandparents joke about the olden days together. I go up to my room and call Josie,
"Hey Josie! Merry Christmas!" She replies gloomily,
"Hey Eve! Merry Christmas to you too!" Her family doesn't really do holidays and they aren't nice either.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house for Christmas?! It would be so much fun!"
"Really? That's so sweet! I'll be over in 10 minutes! See ya!" Her voice cheers up as she ends the call.

Not long after, I head to the door and let her in,
"Hey bestie!" She squeals while hugging me!
"Thank you so much for inviting me over!"
"No problem! Plus I really needed to see you!"
We walk through the kitchen,
"Hey Josie, Merry Christmas" my mom smiles warmly at Josie.
"Hi Mrs.S, Merry Christmas!"
We sat in the living room next to each other curled up in a blanket warmed by a blazing fireplace to talk...

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