An unwanted surprise

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"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Grandma Kara shrieks, "You are supposed to wait till after marriage, what did your parents teach you about sex?!" I sit down and close my eyes hearing the whispers echo throughout the room,
"She's pregnant? She's only 16! What's sex? That's interesting... Who's the father?"
Then my friend Josie speaks up,
"I think that her being pregnant will make her happy, so I'm going to be happy and excited with her and can't wait to meet her child, you should be too!"
Everyone suddenly stopped whispering and each gave me a hug saying congratulations. My mom and dad come out with the pies and a few plates. I helped serve while I said 'Thank you' to Josie!

Before everyone leave they hand my mom something that she hides from my view. I hug her all goodbye as they leave. Anne and Josie stayed. Anne lives far away so she spent the night. Josie stayed because I asked her too! I got ready for bed quickly. I grab my laptop and jump into bed.
"What do you wanna watch?" I ask while browsing Netflix for a good movie.
"I don't really care, how about something about Christmas!"
"Sure!" I find a movie called, Princess Switch, so we watch that. After the movie ends I go to sleep.

It's 9:12 a.m when I wake up, I immediately head to the toilet and vomit. Then I head downstairs where Anne and my mom are making pancakes!
"Hey! You slept late, munchkin!" My aunt smiles at me, "How are you doing?"
"Good, it's gonna take some getting used to morning sickness every day"
"Yeah, I wouldn't know..." She leans on the island to talk to me, a little disappointment twinkles in her eyes because she can't have a child.
"You aren't missing out!" We both laugh.
"Josie's in the barn, why don't you join her!" My mom goes, she looks really excited today.
I go upstairs to change and do my hair and makeup. I am wearing a mustard yellow oversized sweatshirt with jeans. My makeup is a casual look, my hair is down in loose curls.

I join Josie and my siblings in the barn. Josie 'accidentally' let out the goats who are now causing chaos. Chris gets them back into their pen using sunflower seeds.
"Sorry Chris!" Josie says covering her mouth to hide a laugh. Chris has mud smeared down his back legs from being knocked over by the goats. He glares at her but laughs,
"I'm gonna get you back!" Chris threatens. Josie and Chris have this ongoing prank war or something like that, I decided to stay out of it.

We go to eat breakfast, when a car pulls up. It's Caleb! I go to greet him but he looks a little off, just like the day I told him I was pregnant.
"Hey babe what's up?" I smile at him, trying to make him feel better.
"I didn't mean for this to happen this way but, I'm breaking up with you..."
The rest of his words are a blur, my eyes started tearing up and I am starting to get a headache. I'm suddenly shaken lightly, "Evelyn? Are you listening to me?" He looks at me while frowning with A concern look on his face.
"I'm sorry, not really..."
"I was going to break up with you before I knew you were pregnant, that's why I asked to hang out with you two days ago. I didn't mean for this to happen."
I push him away and tell him to leave. I walk fast to the house almost tripping in the snow.
"Evelyn!" Caleb shouts for me to come back but I ignore him.

I run up the stairs crying, Josie quickly follows me...

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