Accidentally bumping into someone

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It was Lillian Wolfe, she was smugly smiling at me,
"I heard you and Caleb broke up, what a shame. He must've finally figured out how terrible you are in reality!" Lillian has tried to get Caleb to ask her on a date but he never has, and she was furious when she figured out that he asked instead of her.
"Leave me alone, Lillian!" I half shout while glaring at her, she giggles and walks away. I. In the middle of the class Suddenly I feel nauseated and turn a lighter shade,
"Miss. Fawna, may I use the bathroom" I raised my hand and asked.
"Sure!" She looked somewhat concerned. I rush to the bathroom and sit by the toilet. Soon I hear a knock.
"Hello? Eve are you okay?"
"I'm fine..."
"You don't sound fine." Her voice sounded sweet and empathetic.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm not fine Brea!" A tear streaks down my face as I unlock the stall and my friend Brea is standing there with concern written across her face.

"What did you do this time." She hugs me tight.
"I'm.... I am pregnant with Caleb's baby and he just broke up with me and Lillian is being a jerk about it!" I burst out all of this to her and start sobbing, my mascara is everywhere.
"Oh..." Brea looks at me, her hands on my shoulders,
"You're pregnant with Caleb's baby and he broke up with you..." She repeats it, making sure she heard it right,
"Yes, I am and he did break up with me."
"Was it the baby that made him?"
"No... I don't know why he broke things off."
Then someone walks into the bathroom and we stop talking. Brea fixes my makeup, and I go back to class.

In the halls I bump into someone, knocking all my stuff onto the floor.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
He turns around and I realize it's Caleb. My hand immediately goes to my stomach without telling it to.
He picks up my stuff and hands it to me,
"Can we talk after school?"
He looks tired. Unlike himself.
"Umm... Sure, I guess.."
"Okay!" He smiles and hands me a slip of paper and hurries off. I stuff it in my backpack and hurry of to class.

School ends and I get picked up by my mom,
"Hey sweetie! I was thinking maybe we should go shopping for maternity clothes!"
"Sure!" I totally forget about the note I stuffed in my backpack and about Caleb. We head to "Motherhood Maternity" to get clothes. I end up getting, stretchy ripped jeans, normal jeans, leggings, a baggy sweatshirt, a few plain shirts, a dress that goes down below my knees, and a coal grey coat.

My phone Buzzes as I check out. It's a text from Caleb,
"Hey! You said we could talk! Did you read the paper?"
"No, sorry. I got distracted by pregnancy stuff!"
"I'll meet you after"
My phone clicks off as I finish checking out. I read the note on the way home,
Meet me at my house, I'll be waiting...


Thank you for reading my book! If you see anything misspelled or my grammar is off please tell me!

Also give my feedback on what you think I could change and what you like! Thank you again!
-Macy Rayne

My crazy teen pregnancy!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora