Telling my friend

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I finish my cup of coffee and it's 8:16 a.m! I think of what I'm going to tell my family, friends, my boyfriend. It's all so much to handle. I decide to FaceTime my best friend Josie Puck. We have been friends since we were 4.
"Hey Josie!", I say after she answers.
"What's up, Eve? You look... Nervous, no exited? I can't tell!" She studies me with her blue eyes.
"You can't tell anyone, and I mean anyone, okay! It's really important!" I say as I walk into my master bathroom going to my drawer where the test is hiding.
"Okay, you can trust me! Just tell!" I pause for a second then I hold up the positive tests, all 3 of them.
"I'm... pregnant..." I could hardly get the words out of my mouth. Josies jaw dropped open and she just stared.
"Hello, Josie? You can't tell anyone okay, I'm telling them first!"
"Is Caleb the father?" She starts to smile slowly.
"Yes..." I blush, "What am I going to do! This wasn't supposed to happen! I wanted to be a mom but not this soon! I don't think I'm ready to be a... A mom!"
I start to cry as Josie answers me with,
"You are going to be okay, you are a strong woman, m'kay! You are gonna get through this! I bet you'll be a great mom, a little young but you'll do great!" I thank her and decide to get ready.

I apply my makeup, put on a baggy light grey sweater, with denim ripped jeans, and do my hair in a messy bun and I'm set. I walk down stares and see my mom, Janice. She is making eggs and bacon.

"Hey mom!",
I say as cheerfully as I sit down at the island.
"Hey sweetie, what's up?", She looks my way and smiles, I smile back!
"Nothing much, you?"
"Your father is out in barn doing chores with your siblings and I'm making breakfast!"

I look out the window at the Apple orchard and the barn where I see our 3 horses grazing in the snowy pasture while our chickens roam the yard while gliding over the snow. "I'm going to go help." I grab a coat and snow boots as I prance out to the porch from the kitchen and make my way to the barn. It's icy and there are drifts covering the ground. We snow plowed a path to get to the barn

 We snow plowed a path to get to the barn

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I stop by the fence and call over my horse, Silvia

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I stop by the fence and call over my horse, Silvia. She is a White horse with grey speckles all over. "Hello there Silvia, don't tell anyone but I'm pregnant!", I whisper, she neighs at me and I smile! Then Felicity and Caroline come running out and hug my waist.
"Hey, Caroline and Felicity!" Caroline is 8.
"Can I ride Silvia today?"' Caroline begs, I laugh.
"Maybe after breakfast."
I head into the barn and I see my father, Aaron, and my older brother, Chris who is 18. The barn is warm, there's hay covering the floor, in the back of the barn there is a pen with two goats. The three stables are on the left side. The chicken pen is closer to the house.
"Hey sweetie, can you give the goats some food?"
"Sure!" I go and get a bucket of sunflower seeds and feed it to our two goats, Ellen and Edna. The two most greedy goats in the world, but I can't stop thinking about when I'm going to tell them. Then I get a text from Caleb...

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