Heading home.

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June 15,
It was 2:14 a.m when I woke up thinking I wet my bed even if it's need 11 years since I've done that, so I walk into my bathroom when a gush of fluids come out of me,
"Hey mom?!" I knock on her door,
"What's up? It's 2:19 in the morning?" She moans at me sleepily,
"I think my water just broke..." I shakily say while bearing a painful contraction.
She looks at me then told or of bed, my dad is flying out to England for his work.
"Grab your suitcase, get ready and she Hunter, I'll tell Chris to babysit! No rush though."
I go to Hunter's room and roll him awake,
"Hunter, wake up! We need to go to the hospital!" I whisper shout close to his ear,
"Why?!" Me moans at me while putting a pillow over his head,
"I'm having my baby!" His head perks up,
"What?!" He looks at me,
"My water just broke, we are going to the hospital soon!" I say slower so he can process it.
"Okay. Do I have time to shower?" I roll my eyes and giggle,
"Yes but be quick!"
I head into my room and grab my suitcase I prepared two weeks earlier, expecting  to go around my due date, June 22. Then I do my hair in a braid and put on my makeup and some baggy clothes. Hunter entered my room with wet hair dripping onto his shirt,
"Ready!" I say as I peck him on the lips,
"Why does it have to be so early?" He says,
"It's 2:47, let's go."
We hopped into the car and drove to the hospital. I had so many painful contractions and they kept getting worse, once we got to the hospital they brought us to my room where I changed and got into hooked up. I ended up using epidural to numb the birth pain a little more. I sat there having contractions for 7 hours before they said I was ready to push,
"When I count from 1 to 10 I want you to push, m'kay!" The nurse says.
"Ready?" I nod getting ready to get this baby out of me,
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, you're doing great!" She repeated this for awhile then she said she saw the baby,
"A few more pushes!"
Eight more pushes later I heard a baby crying. I joined in but with happy tears. They put her on my belly. She may have been a little bloody and wet but she was beautiful! They took her away to clean her up and do a  quick check-up. Hunter came up to me and kisses me,
"You did great!" He says. He walks over to the table where they had the newborn, he was tearing up. He looked at her as if she was his own child.

They brought her over to me, she stopped crying once she fell into my arms, then they showed me how to breast feed. It was hard at first but I soon got the hang of it.
"I love you!" I whisper to her as I kiss her forehead. Then Felicity and Caroline come running in with excitement, Chris came in after. Then Josie and Brea walk in with a balloon that says, 'Congratuations' and a gift.
"Can I hold her?" Caroline asks,
"In a little bit, I'm going to let everyone else first though!" I let my mom hold her first then she was passed around the room. The nurse handed me a birth certificate,
"What should I name her?" I look at her trying to figure out what name would suit her best. She was handed back to me,
"Beatrice, that's what I'll call you!" I kissed her head as I filled out the certificate.

Caleb was not here to sign but it was fine, I didn't really want to see him again

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Caleb was not here to sign but it was fine, I didn't really want to see him again.
"Now can I hold her?" Caroline asked,
"Yes, you may hold her!" I handed the baby to my mom so she could help Caroline hold her. Then the nurse came in and said we were going to a different room. The room was meant more for comfort, not for giving birth.
"Hey Miss Claire?" I ask the nurse,

"Could you get me some food, suggestively a cheeseburger!"
"Sure thing!"

"Thank you!" I say while she hands me the juicy burger. It tasted amazing.

Two days past before I was sent home. When I walk through the door my dad is standing right there,
"Dad!" I hug him,
"Hey sweetie!" He hugs me back, he looks in the car seat and sees my baby,
"What's her name?"


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