Years memory!

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2 years later:
(Evelyn is 19, Beatrice is 2, Hunter is 20! Full detail is in my other book)

I wake up with Beatrice on my left and Hunter on my right. Beatrice is playing toddler games on my phone while Hunter is asleep.
"Morning my little Bee!" I say to my little girl.

"Go morin Mami!" She says trying to say good morning Mama. I kiss her cheek and that makes her giggle.

"Why don't you wake up daddy?" I say while looking towards Hunter.

"Oki Mami!" She crawled over me to Hunter, she sat on his pillow and kissed him.

(I know they aren't in a bed but it works for a better visualization plus I thought it looked cute)

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(I know they aren't in a bed but it works for a better visualization plus I thought it looked cute)

His eyes open and he smiles,
"Why, good morning little one!"

"Go morin Dagi!" She laughs when Hunter picks her up and sets her on his stomach.

"Bee, are you stealing my man?" I ask her.

"Ye!" She said in between laughter.

I look at the alarm clock and it's 8:47 a.m.
"Shoot! Hunter you're gonna be late to work!" I say while sitting up straight.

"Oh... Yeah I am!" He gets up frantically trying to get ready fast enough so he can go. I head downstairs just before he got out the door.

"Bye, love you!" I say while I kiss him goodbye.

"Love you too, be back around 3:30."

He leaves the house while I walk to the kitchen to make breakfast for me and Beatrice. I put her in a high chair while I take out strawberry apple baby puffs and a box of cinnamon toast crunch out of the cabinet.
I put the puffs in a bowl and hand them to Bee. I put my cereal and milk in a bowl and join her. The sun streams through the door in vibrant light. Felicity and Caroline are running around in the yard with Molly. Mocha is curled up in the sun by the door. The horses are grazing in the fields. The chickens roam the yard with the two goats who eat away the tall grass. It was a beautiful day. Only thing that could make it better if dad were still here...

I thought about that day when the police came to our house and told us the news...

6 months ago

"Ma'am, I'm apart of the airport security. We have some unfortunate news..." The man pauses as if something caught in his throat,
"Aaron has died in a plane crash... I'm so sorry to tell you this Mrs.Springs." He hands my dad's pilot hat over to me.

"Thank you for telling us, have a good day." I say once my mom wouldn't reply. I close the door and I fall to the floor with my arms wrapped around my mom comforting her as sobs escape her lips...

-Flashback Ends-

Beatrice finishes her puffs and starts whining for her to get out, I lift her from the chair and set her on the ground. She crawls off to the living room to her toys. I follow her into the room.

When I sit down on the couch I see the scrapbook hidden on the shelf. I haven't used it since a year ago when Josie was forced to leave with her family to Africa, that's where her mom was from. I haven't heard from her since. She said it was a 2 year trip and that she would write to me. No letter has come.

I take the scrapbook down and look through the memory's of me, my dad, Josie. Then I started crying, uncontrollably and I couldn't stop.

I was mad. I was sad. I was heartbroken. I was miserable. I was a mess.

What made it even worse was that today was my father's birthday, tommorow would be Josie's birthday! I couldn't see any of them. I couldn't stand it. I finally shout,

"LORD! Why does it feel you have abandoned me? You have taken my father, you have taken my friend! Why do I feel so alone?"

My body shakes with tears. Beatrice is clueless to what is happening. Then as I sit there a book falls from the shelf. I go to pick it up but realise that it wasn't any old book but the Bible. It had fallen with it's pages open, the first verse I see is Isiah 43:1,

"When you go through deep waters
I will be with you
When you go through rivers of difficulty
You will not drown
When you walk through the fires of oppression
You will not be burned up;
The flames will not consume you..."

Hey guys! How are you?

So at the end of this chapter i have a story about it. This was definitely based off me, my father passed away on trip and my closest friend left because she was forced too. I had nobody at the time, just me, 2 month year old Camilla and my mom.
One day I found my scrapbook that I made. That sent me crying from all the emotions I was hiding. I felt so alone that I cried out to God and he answered me with that verse. I honestly don't think I could've survived if that Bible didn't fall from the shelf to this page.

I didn't even feel worthy to even have God's support after years of ignoring him, betraying him.

Crazy things happen when you believe in the one true God. He truly changed my life, and he's done to many others as well. If you have a story of God's inpact please comment it, I would love to hear it.

(If you are one who doesn't believe in Christianity, I'm sorry if this somehow offended you! I meant no disrespect and I truly respect your decision)


(More of the story)

After I saw Isiah 43:1 I randomly opened the Bible to a different page and it landed on, Psalms 73:26. I did it again again landing on Psalms 147:3, Romans 8:18, 2 Kings, 20:5, and Jeremiah 21:11.

I suggest looking them up. If you are wondering I also did this for almost 4 hours so that's how I came upon these verses!

My crazy teen pregnancy!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora