Blazing fires within the room

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" You're pregnant!" Josie says with a smile,
"Yep, I already told Caleb and my parents and siblings. I telling the rest tonight after we open presents!"
"Oh, speaking of presents, I got you one!" Josie hands me a box with a silver bow and gold ribbons
"Awww, thanks!" I open it and inside is a scrapbook and a pregnancy book. I take out the scrapbook and open it. It starts when me and Joise met, until today but half of it's empty.
"It's for your new memories of me, you, the baby, your family, all of that!" Josie explains.
"Thank you!" I hug her. Then she keeps piling up questions that I gladly answered while I skimmed through the pregnancy book, but I had to ask her a question as well,
"How do you feel about me being pregnant?" I looked at her, studied her.
"If it means I get to hold a baby, I'm all for it! But how I really feel..." She pondered the question for a while,
"I'm happy for you!" She smiled joyfully, "I'm glad you told me first!"
"Me too" We sat and watched the fire blaze, while we looked through the scrapbook."

The sun set and the house had a candlelit glow to it. The house was warm as the fireplace burst with vibrant yellows and oranges. Dinner was served then, there was ham, mashed potatoes, corn, pies, cookies, and so much more! It smelled and tasted delicious.
"Wow! This is amazing! You really outside yourself with the food this year ladies!", Damian goes who is always impressed by food.
"Thank you!" Janice replies while clearing the dirty plates and putting them in the sink.
"Dad! Can we open presents now?" Caroline has been bugging my dad all day about those presents.
"Sure!" He laughs as she races off to the tree and handing them out. Everyone opens their presents, I got a Starbucks gift card with $20 dollars on it, a dark blue crop top,(Which I won't be wearing anytime soon) a pair of new shoes, socks, 5 books, and 8 lemon and vanilla scented bath bombs.

Everyone finished opening their gifts and it was time for me to tell everyone. I looked at my parents, they smiled back, I looked at Josie she also smiled.
"Everyone! I have some news!"
Everyone looked my way as I stood up, there were a lot of intrigued stares. I think I stood there for a while but I finally was able to announce that,  "I'm pregnant..."

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