chapter 57.

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Ashley's POV:

Hockey resumed and before I knew it, it was January 18th and Patrick and I were driving to Buffalo with our daughter in the backseat.

He grabbed my hand and he said, "The next time we are in Chicago, you will be my wife.."

"That's crazy.." I said

He drove to New York and we unpacked the car into the Buffalo house.

It was late and we ate and put Lauren to bed. Patrick and I also went to bed. We were getting married in two days.

The next day, I went with all the girls and we all got our nails done and had a girls day.

Patrick and I weren't going to see each other until I walked down the aisle. It was kinda late and I brought Lauren to visit her great grandpa.

We were at the cemetery and it was cold. I held my daughter and I said, "Hi, it's me Ashley the one who is marrying your grandson tomorrow and I'm here with your great granddaughter, Lauren..."

I paused and I just started talking like Patrick did.

"I love Patrick so much. One of the things I love about him is how much he loves his family and how much he cares about you... He is amazing and I can't wait to marry him. I promise to love him forever and take good care of this ring you once gave your wife. I pray that Patrick and I can have a marriage like yours."

I spent a few more minutes there and suddenly, Patrick was there.

"Hey.." He said

"Hey.." I said

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"Talking to your grandpa about our future.. Telling him how much I love you.." I replied

Tears came to Patrick's eyes and he hugged me. He kissed me and said, "I don't know how I got so lucky."

"Neither do I.." I said

Patrick grabbed Lauren from my arms and he put his arm around me.

We spent another twenty minutes there and then Patrick carried Lauren back to my car.

He kissed her goodnight and did the same thing to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow.." He said smiling

"I can't wait.." I said

"Goodnight, Ashley Ella Hastings.." He said smiling

"Wait, are you changing your last name or keeping it?"

"Hyphenating it. In the hockey world, I'm Ashley Hastings.. Anywhere else, I'm Ashley Kane, your wife.."

He kissed me and said, "I love that.."

We were making out and we stopped and I headed back to the Buffalo house. I ate dinner with everyone and got Lauren to bed. Everyone was going to bed pretty early and I couldn't sleep. I got up and got in the car and drove to the pond.

There was Patrick's car. I got out and went and sat on the bench with him.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked

"No.." I said

"This is crazy, but you want this right? We aren't going to have another Brianna or Auston situation, are we?" He asked

"Hell no.." I said

"I don't know why, but I'm suddenly nervous.."

"About what?" I asked

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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