chapter 56

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Ashley's POV

"I punched a guy.." I said

"Why?" He asked

"He was drunk and wouldn't leave me alone.."

"I'm glad, because if I would have been there, I would have killed him."

"I know you would have.."

"Did you find a dress?" He asked

"I think so..."

"You didn't buy it?"

"No.. There were too many people there and I don't want them to all see the dress.."

"I can't wait to see you in the dress.."

I smiled and I said, "Also, everyone saw my tattoo.."

Patrick got the biggest smile on his face and he said, "I'm sure the moms loved it..."

"Your mom thought it was funny and my mom just said we don't do things traditionally.."

"No, we sure don't.."

"Want to go with me right now to buy my dress?"

"In other words, you're asking me to pay for your dress." Patrick said laughing

"Our bank accounts are linked.." I said laughing

He got up and said, "Let's go.."

We drove to the bridal store right before they closed. We went inside and I grabbed the dress and bought and Patrick pulled out his debit card. He handed it to the lady behind the counter and he smiled back at me..

"So this is the man you are marrying?" The lady asked

"Yeah.." I said

"He's a very lucky guy. If you don't mind me asking, why did you bring him back to buy the dress? I could tell it was the one.."

"I didn't want everyone to see it.."

"Usually it's the other way around. Wow, you must really have something special. I wish you both a long and happy marriage.."

"Thank you.." We both said as we left the store

"I can't believe I just bought the dress that I'm going to marry you in."

"Neither can I.." I said

"So when do I get to see it?"

"The wedding.." I said

"No fair.." He said

We went back to our house and I brought the dress inside and then Patrick left and I went back to my party.

I went home with Courtney, Donna, my mom, and my grandma.

I went to my room and I came out in a wedding dress..

Everyone was shocked.

"When did you get that?" Donna asked

"I left and Patrick went with me.." I said

My mom was crying and she hugged me and said, "You are going to make the most beautiful bride."

"I agree.." Donna said crying too

I went and took it off and my mom said, "I'm sorry this turned into something huge."

"It's not my thing, but that is okay."

A few days later, everyone was gone and I was loving the piece and quiet.

"Where should we go on our honeymoon?" Patrick asked laying in bed

"Italy..." I said

Patrick smiled and said, "I can't wait.."

"Who is going to watch the baby?" I asked

"Should we have our moms come stay here?"

"They'd love spending a week with their granddaughter.."

"I was thinking two weeks.."

"I can't wait.."

I fell asleep in Patrick's arms.

The Love of my LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ